hahahahha going up up up. the new yearbook is finally on jw.org
13,204 memorial partakers for 2013
by EndofMysteries 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
PRAISE THE LORD! More are being summoned to join Him in Heavens!
That's just nuts...
Pass the wine. Want more bread over there?
I looked at the online book, but couldn't find the partakers figure. What section is it in?
I wonder why they report these figures.
They are embarrassing to the organization.
But da end b so close ya'll !!!!!!
The real number is over 20,000 (Individuals who partake at home because they are afraid of being judged "mentally diseased"), I know ten pubs in my Congo who don't eat the meal there, they wait until home to partake and refuse to be counted among the "Little Flock". Could the number be much higher, if ten extra in the Hall are taking of the Meal, what is the real number? I partake and don't tell them!
I like the thread title. Just list the partakers instead of worrying about the "yearbook" which I couldn't care less about except for the stats.
Gypsy Sam
Lol, marked! How will they explain this?