You are totally misreading what they mean. When they say "we" they really mean you (plural, those who read the information), they don't have "just" opinions they have "the truth" because they are guided by holy spirit (from their standpoint). People use "we" often when they're trying to point other peoples faultes or areas of correction or improvement (we are all imperfect..., we all make mistakes... , we all can show more love..., we have just opinions = meaning: you should be better, try harder, be more loving, be willing to examine your opinion (and conform it to the "truth" they preach).).
Best "wake-up-call"-arguments?!
by Mr Fool 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How can we be sure that the Holy Spirit has got the latest "light" right ?
It has been totally in error so far.
We don't have to worry about that, because we know that their "truth" is just another opinion.
AWAKE 2000 that light must be well extinguished LOL but good find
Do you really think that was an oversight? In the series of those articles about propaganda they clearly explain that they don't use propaganda but teach the truth from the Bible. Before jumping to conclusions read the whole thing and do not take excerpts out of context (that's what they do and nobody appreciates that).
Mr Fool
Lol! That does not change much. A JW cannot deny that his/her belief is NOT bulit upon the Truth, just personal opinions (about the Truth). Or else he/she will go against what the Wt had told us in that Awake article, right! ;-)
You said: " The core is that the Wt surprisingly admits that what "we" believe in, is after all, only opinions". Get it through your head, they are not admitting anything, they are telling YOU, that your believes (if you are not a JW) are just an opinion and YOU would do well to examine them and accept the truth from the Bible as they teach it.
I'm not saying you are wrong about their believes being just another opinion, but you cannot use that excerpt to prove your point because it is taken out of context. And if you try it on JWs they will think you are a fool. . (This was an Awake! for the public not a WT study article).
Mr Fool mean that Awake is not read by the JW members because the information in them is directed only to the public?
Sorry, Mr. Fool, I was trying to be as clear as possible (maybe over did it a bit). I don't want to argue with you about words and this post is getting boring so I'm done with it. If you really want to know what I said just re-read it and think about it a bit before you pick a clatifying side point in parenthesis to argue about.
And, please, by all means use your out of context, misapplied quote, I really don't care if you end up looking like a fool.
Mr Fool
I´ve read the propagande article again. The conclusion I get about "opinions" is that no matter how well-grounded or the quality of the reasons we have, it is still OPINIONS. I cannot find anywhere in the article an explanation that opinions will be transformed to be the Truth.
It can be turned around, asking a jw if "we" actually means myself who is not a Jw? And after, if the JW admits that, ask why the Wt lies when they use the word "we".