After 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-See good for all your work.
throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work. So the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at Either bethel or the farm. Another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (Jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying. Anyways....
Then the ball dropped....said we basically shoukd raise our kids with the opportunity to go to Bethel to be just as successful...the. He indirectly went into how u cant miss service or meetings ti secular things and kids should be brought up in ministry....and my wife agreed 100%...."shit" i thought. Her biggest dream is to send our kids to Bethel....thanks elder...thanks for planting that seed. Sad part is i felt that dissonance kick in and start to draw my interest back a little...theN irritation and reality hit and here i am....any advice? His conviction is absolutely astounding, articulate, and a master of speaking and luring one back to the org...