Here is a question...The account in 2 Kings 2:11 (I may be off a verse or 2) refers to Elijah being caught up to Heaven by a fiery war chariot. The organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth. Their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to King Jeho'ram of Judah. (2 Chron. 21:12-15) However, King Jeho'ram of Judah began his reign in the 5th year of the reign King Jeho'ram of Israel, so he could have wrote the letter before he was "caught up", unless he was caught up in the first 5 years of King Jeho'ram of Israel's rule.
My question is, is their any proof that the society can base their explanation on? How do they know that what occured in 2 Kings 2:11 happened in the first 5 years of King Jeho'ram of Israel's reign and before King Jeho'ram of Judah took throne?
And, please, no emphatic responses about how the "borg" are lying devils and of course it is not true. I simply would like to know if they have a basis for this explanation before I dismiss it. Too bad the organization doesn't have a Q&A on their web page, otherwise I would go there!