Very difficult position - Please help

by Elsewhere 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    I'd look to rent a room in your area.....just check out the paper.

    Roommate services are good too.

  • noidea

    Awwwww..{{{else}}}..have you thought of moving to the south?

  • SYN

    Hehe, that form was VERY funny! I liked the part about riding a scooter to work...

    Good luck finding a place to stay! I'm in a similiar "position" myself presently...

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • yrs2long

    I'm not in your area but you might try the local community colleges and university. There are always posted notes and in some cases extensive computer generated listings on bulletin boards of broke college students looking to share a one-bedroom and even studio apartments.

  • LeslieV

    Have you looked into your local YMCA? They usually have a room to rent that is based on your income. At least, in our area they do. Also homeless shelters do not charge anything. I work for the Salvation Army and we put up people all the time. Please call your local SA and they will give you referrals.

    Good luck!!!!

  • kenny2


    I hope everything works out. I have no connections in Dallas area but if you are up for a relocation to San Antonio, I have plenty of room.


  • waiting

    Sorry, I live in SC - but know what it's like to be broke. *sigh* - not even worth remembering the details to it ---- because it'll pass, hopefully soon.

    (((((((((((group hug))))))))))))))

    In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on. Robert Frost

    And it does. Take care.


  • TheStar


    I'm much further South from you and I don't know anyone in Dallas. I wish I could help, I have been in your situation and if because of my leaving the Borg. I end up losing my husband, I may be in your shoes once again. I know something will come through for you, I wish I could do more. Hang in there and keep us updated.


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