Gopher said,
"And the elders themselves... do they really acquire their position by being the kindest, gentlest one, or by being able to instill the most fear and guilt into others? Anytime there is a conflict in the elder body between being kind and gentle, versus "cracking the whip" like Rehoboam (see the Rehoboam thread), the elders who are harsh prevail by force of will."
And that is correct, wherein lies the reason for a huge part of the problems and instances related here. AND that was the reason I stepped down as an elder a short while ago; I was fed up and tired of fighting the self-righteous, pompous, puffed-up guys. A couple of others understood, but they kept quiet; in an eye-to-eye conversation, they agree and understand, but when the group is together, they either keep quiet or support a bit the tougher guys, because they feel that is the direction in which the wind is blowing, and they do not want to jeopardize their own career. They feel a guy in the group is on his was out or is losing favour, and then they join the band in order not to have to join the falling star. Well, I quit voluntarily after having given speeches lasting for hours about how I felt about them and their work, and after having written letters consisting of 20-30 pages to the Society telling the same.
The meeker guys will always lose, because they are meeker guys, and the tougher guys will always win, because theyare the tougher guys. But in the eyes od the others, the meeker ones are the ones to whom they turn .......