Will silentlambs Be DF???

by silentlambs 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice

    Don't Forget The Power Of Prayer! May God's Will Be Done In This Matter And For The Children's Sake.


  • DazedAndConfused

    Bill, one thing that Dateline does is to do a "follow up" type of thing at the end of some of their broadcasts to let the viewers see certain aspects of them running the story. I would let them know what is being done right now and send them a copy of the letter sent to you by the elders. I'm sure that if any of you get disfellowshipped, it would make for a very interesting ending. On the same note though, them showing the letters that have been sent would have about the same effect.

  • jerome

    First pagraph of headline.

    "In an apparent preemptive effort to discredit a plee made from a concerned former Jehovah's Elder the Watchtower Bible & tract Society of New York (legal name of the Jehovah's Witnesses) have formally excomunicatted Mr. Bill Bowen. Mr. Bowen can be stated as saying

    'Am not at all surprised of what occured... it was bound to happen sooner or later but whats really important is that the saftey of many innocent children are at stake and something has to be done. They have implemented and inforced a policy which serves to protect pedophiles all at the sake of preserving the reputation of the Jehovah's Witnesses Organisation in the eye of the public. I could not in good conscience have continued to allow the lives of somany innocent children to be put in jeprody simply to follow an organisational policy.'

    When contacted the for comment Watchtower Bible & Tract Society spokesman Brother Tehocratic War Stragety stated that:

    'We the Jehovah's Witnesses believe in following the Bibles principles, therefore inorder to uphold these sacred principles and continue to obey Gods command we acted accordingly and disfelloshipped Mr. Bowen. For years now we have been trying to accomidate Mr Bowen and have tried tirelessly to encourage him to fulfill his spritual obgligations which he has been neglecting for some time. He was well known in his community for immoral conduct and as a result definitive action had to be taken in accordance with Biblical law to bring Mr. Bowen back into good standing before Jehovah. Since Mr. Bowen was unmistakenly unrepent there wasn nothing further that we could do for him. We love him and are saddened with greif in watching follow the path that he has decided to take. We would gladly accept him back into the fold if only he would bring himselfinto line with what he knows the Bible commands on him. We can assure the public that we absolutely do not enforce any such policy which may be to the detriment of any of our younger members.'
    No futher comment was given by Br. Stragety.

    Mr Bowen can further quoted as saying:
    'For years many children have suffered silently and endured the abuse and scilence but now it is time for the lambs to ROAR and let their voice be heard. We must protect the Children.'
    Mr Bowen is the author of the Website http://www.silentlambs.org where he has carried his fight to protect the children from further abuse.


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.

  • deddaisy

    I think it's a very bad move for the WTS's lawyers....They must be JW's...dumb...dumb....dumb.....(no offense) unless their PR made the move.....dumb....dumb....dumb....in fact, dumb and dumber......good for the df'ed....I mean on "what date" was any of the above's "DF hearing" on? On what date was any of the above's Dateline taping on? OHHHH.......so their TAPING was WAY before their disfellowshipping hearing? Why was that? What was the reason for the disfellowshipping? OHHHHHH? REALLY? Well, why weren't they disfellowshipped WAAAAY before the Dateline taping? So, let me get this straight.... in the case of the NJ molestation, this victim's family was inactive for YEARS without a scheduled DF meeting, but then, mere weeks before the airing of "Dateline," and of course after this family gave an interview to Dateline, the Watchtower Society decides it should SUDDENLY investigate allegations of apostasy on the part of this NJ family. And, this other brother and sister have been in good standing with the church for, how many years? Then, coincidentally, both this brother and sister, whom were both involved with SilentLambs, out of the blue, were both disfellowshipped, for, let me get this straight, having something to do with protecting the victims of child molestation? Sounds good WTS............Great PR..........

  • deddaisy

    actually Bill, I think you have standing to sue if you're DF'ed.....

  • SYN

    Don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Do you have lots of family in the Troof, Bill? If so, my heart goes out to you.

    But you should still kick their asses!


    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • neyank

    Would it be a good idea to mail your story with a copy of the WT letter to different newspapers?

    What would be the response from them?


  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Divisions- YES! between those with information and integrity and those without one or both.

  • Pathofthorns

    One thing is certain, they can get rid of whomever they wish to and there is little you can do.

    The Society might have some legal pressure placed on Dateline not to air the episode and the wording of the 02-02 BOE letter combined with their cunning PR machine might be enough to sway the public but certainly their own members.

    I don't think the Society is even slightly concerned about bad publicity at this point regarding this matter and I don't think they have to be. But if I were you I'd certainly do whatever it takes to give them all the bad publicity I could.

    Personally, knowing that JCs are a complete farce I would not go at all. You know you are not able to fairly present evidence to an impartial judge or jury. It is a fixed outcome and they are not interested in what you have to say. Maybe think about getting some newspapers and TV stations to air the intent of the WT to disfellowship you and why you will not be attending.

    I think you will attend though and if so, I would suggest newscrews and several of your friends with camcorders filming what they could from the KH sidewalk and either record or transmit your meeting with a cellphone. Obviously they will be concerned about this and you might have to outright lie and I don't know what laws exist regarding recording meetings secretly.

    I would definitely push them to present evidence they have and if any of it includes information obtained from this site, push them to reveal how that evidence was obtained. If you or Barbara can establish proof that they are following what is said here, that would be significant.

    I would urge you to exercise restraint and to choose your words carefully. You are too easily provoked and become your own bad publicity and this will certainly prove to be an emotional experience.

    This is a sad reminder that no one is immune to getting the boot from the WT. At the very least it should be interesting sitting on the "other side" of a Judicial Committee for a change. Good luck.


  • LoneWolf

    Bill --- Dang! Wish I had the money and time. I'd love to be there.

    Path ---

    I would suggest newscrews
    What difference does it make if he uses new screws or old screws, just as long as they get screwed?

    Anyone --- I've been wondering about something. Years ago the reason someone was disfellowshipped was announced. That was changed, probably because someone sued. However, the announcement that "xxxx was DFed for conduct unbecoming a christian" would be equally actionable in my opinion, if not more so. After all, the former would eliminate speculation. With the latter, the publisher's suspicions will jump to the worst possibility.


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