Its not a religion, its a business

by joelbear 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    I love this thread. I have never thought of it all this way before, but as I read message after message I had to chuckle. And to think the people in there are expecting spirituality! You all spelled out perfectly why people end up frustrated and disillusioned.

    thanks for the perspective - and the giggle of realization

  • bigboi

    Never heard it expressed quite this way before.

    great thread. bttt.



  • waiting

    Bigboi! Is that YOU????????

    I thought Julie said there was only ONE reason you called yourself Bigboi (always wondered how she came to that conclusion) - and it wasn't your tallness.

    Well, ain't you a cutie.


  • Salud

    You know all this started with Nathan H. Knorr. He was an oranization man. It has been said of him that that he could have run any business or organization in the world and made it successful. It is interesting to note that in one of R. Franz's books he mentions that if Knorr wasn't a JW that he would have wanted to run a large department store like Macy's. Well the structure of a business like Macy's was incorporated into the Society. You have your board of directors (governing body) You had a president. You have an R & D dept. (writing/publishing). You have your CO's and DO's who go around and check on all the stores (congregations), much like a District manager in large retail companies. You have your various schools (seminars) to help increase sales (publishers). I had noticed how lately the Society was pushing for CO's to really look into the congregation accounts to make sure everything was in order, and to have the best man in that department. What really bothered me though was how one can devote all his life to the Borg and not have anything to show for it. I remember a CO by the name of Robert Lee who was Df'd after over 25 years in full time service. He was left with nothing!! He was strugling to find a job at over age 50. His poor wife had to go to work to help support them. How sad. Even for those who serve at Bethel, they better hope that if they are lifer's they don't screw up or otherwise they are on the streets. No retirement, no pension, but keep your eye simple and give everything you have to the Society!!

  • bigboi
    Bigboi! Is that YOU????????
    I thought Julie said there was only ONE reason you called yourself Bigboi (always wondered how she came to that conclusion) - and it wasn't your tallness.

    Well, ain't you a cutie.

    Awwwwwww shucks! Thnaks Waiting. If you're looks are anything like your posts, i'd bet your husband reckons himself one lucky fella!



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It is multilevel marketing, a pyramid scheme.

    A Ponzi scheme with the "payoff" of EVERLASTING LIFE.

    The inspiration for the FAR more honest and upfront (ergo: moral) CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS...

  • joelbear

    I agree that it is very much like a ponzi scheme.

    My view of the society's presidents is:

    Charles Russell: Charismatic mystic with a bit of PT Barnum in him.

    Rutherford: Megolomaniacal political subversive with a bit of Lenin in him.

    Nathan Knorr: Sweat shop businessman, everything about growth.

    Fred Franz: Non-charismatic mystic that put the business back 10 years.

    Henschel et al: Figureheads.

    Now we have several corporate entities run by people who know how to run businesses.


    All those goddamn sales meetings are a pain in the ass!

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