I spent an hour or two going through my 'meeting clothes'. They were second-hand when I got them, so no use to anyone else, and anyway, who else dresses like that?Did you chuck out/pass on your JW uniform when you stopped going? It's silly really , just about everyone hates to wear those clothes and would change out of them at the earliest opportunity.As I am not exactly tiny in frilly dresses I looked like a badly mis-arranged bunch of flowers! Hurray for jeans and sweatshirts!
Chucking out Stepford wife clothes...
by meat pie 15 Replies latest jw friends
While I didn't have any dresses to through out, I do have a rack full of sports jackets, a couple suits and a whole host of ties. I am now waiting to see how thick the dust can get on them before I do something about it.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
I keep after my wife, who hasn't been to a meeting in over two years, to PLEASE get rid of her "Meeting Clothes" Most of hers were also second hand. The kids had UGLY suits too. EGAD! Get rid of it.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
This was such a wonderful and freeing experience for me.If you haven't done this yet I highly recomend it.YEA!!TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING!!
Dang. You guys have such good ideas. I'm gonna do just that!
yipppppeeeee. yippy
When I was a good little underpaid dubbie, they weren't making nice meeting dresses in my size at prices I could afford. And fat women weren't giving their good clothes to second-hand stores, so I had to piece my meeting wardrobe together out of prim A-line skirts and ugly blouses.
Yep, immediately after leaving I gave away ALL my skirts and the ugliest of my blouses. Right around that time some tasty fat-chick clothes started showing up in second-hand stores, but it was all casual stuff. Plenty good enough for the UU church I was attending. Then (about a year ago) I discovered that I could buy clothes on eBay, and I started buying long swirly skirts and shiny, voluptuous and/or glittery tops. And pashminas. And oh, the jewelry!
I remember an early meeting I attended, I was counseled for wearing a very clever wraparound skirt-pants thing which covered me to the ankle, because it was "like something a hippie girl would wear." And this was in BERKELEY!
I'm plenty modest most of the time (dammit; needs work!), but too flashy and hippie-like for the KH.
Gently Feral
Remember we all had our *go to the meeting cloths* and our * field service cloths! I remember always wearing baggy dresses so I would be more comfortable. I hated going out in service! I had some killer suits though, I wish I hadn't got rid of them!!! But, I cleaned house! And when I clean house, I clean house. I got rid of every book, song book, anything that looked like a j.w. book, I got rid of it. Wish I hadn't done that now, too. I could have use them for research! Oh Well, that was like a whole other life time ago!
Gawd, I'm glad I'm out! Tink =;o) -
Nope I still have mine. I wore what I wanted to the KH. Well I did wear dresses and skirts but I would never wear anything that I would not wear anyway. Like the dresses most women wore. YUK! I like my clothes. They were like anything that you might see someone wearing to work in an office.
I bought one of those sunday flowerie frilly dresses once, wore it once and gave it away. Felt to stupid in it. Blah!!! -
My "meeting clothes" were always very professional looking, with classic lines and colours.
I used to do a lot of sewing, and would make a lot of my own dresses, skirts and blouses too. I made dresses for my daughters and trousers, shirts and vests for my son.
I don't know if it is a local thing, but absolutely NOBODY in our congregation would DARE shop at a second-hand store. Too many deeminz, dontcha know.... We'd get counselled for straying past garage sales during service too. The elderettes were usually the ones who snuck out early to catch the yard sales on Saturday mornings before the service arrangements so they could get the good stuff (that obviously wasn't deemin-pozzezzed) and pretend they weren't the least bit interested during field service.
There also seemed to be this unspoken rule that you weren't allowed to be better dressed than Sister Presiding Overseer's wife. If you did, she would complain to her hubby (the PO) that you were disregarding the scripture about putting on a showy display, etc. and you'd get an invitation to the back room after the meeting. The one and only time it happened to me, I asked the PO if it bothered Sister PO so much, she really should be speaking to me herself, the way Jesus said to do, and if it was a matter of her being jealous of my ability to sew clothes for my family, then she wasn't really exercising love, was she....
BTW, I hated that b*tch.
Love, Scully
I can't believe I haven't thrown them all out yet! I threw out the really conservative stuff years ago but saved the cute dresses and skirts. They haven't moved since we bought this house four years ago...I guess it's time! I have a charity pickup coming on Thursday, I'll do it!!!