I wish they were of sex.....
As I lay in bed last night, feeling like an alien was in my stomach, I thought of a few things.
Since I seem to be posting fluff all the time, I decided to put my thoughts on to paper.
1. Subjection-I saw this posted somewhere in the last few days on another JW only board. As I thought more and more about it, I became angrier and angrier.
This idea that woman must take a back seat to any male is very bad. I can recall being told this and reading it in the WT literature.
I believe this has an effect on women that is rarely discussed. The effect is that you believe it. Over the years it eats away at you and you start to think boys are better, smarter, faster, etc. I know personally that this was the case. My first job out of college convinced me I am not a stupid doormat, however, there are always lingering thoughts.
I very rarely debate/argue etc. with men. I just don't feel up to it. As I look back, I attribute this to the JW's pushing this thought process on my mother and then on to me.
The second issue has to do with Jesus. As JW teaching goes, he is God's son. Who is his mother? An angel? Was he created out of vapor? If so, then he is like every other angel out there. They came from somewhere and God must have created them. Mary does not count; she was human.
If God has no wife, then what/who was Jesus? Was he a kid who got fingered at birth and then 30 years later pops up on the religious scene to change things simply because he was told it was his fate? Was he a nut who really believed he was God's son?
But, the main idea I had was: if he actually was some celestial being, in my mind he would be an angel who God took special interest in. Kinda like an adoption.
This is all assuming that there is a God. Which I don't believe.
I was (still am) very ill. I think I have food poisoning or something like it. I went to dinner at a local upscale diner. Had a pineapple martini before dinner. The pineapple was turning black/brown in places, so I did not eat it. The martini tasted like watered down pineapple juice.
The effect was a raging case of puke etc. in the middle of the night. Hours later (about 6 after dinner) my stomach felt and sounded like an alien was trying to escape. I called the restaurant and told them I thought the pineapple was bad. Anyway, that is why I was awake and brooding in the middle of the night. It got me thinking...always scary!
Any thoughts opinions on the above would be welcome.
edited for typos