Specifically I am talking about the "apostates" or antis who plaster cars or send people things in the mail with the truth about "the truth". To me, this seems exactly like the JW's banging on doors on a Saturday morning. Exactly the same thing, just from the other end. Both sides should get a life. I'm out of the borg, but you won't see me protesting their meetings or sending people information. (a) it makes them think that they are right, since they are receiving persecution and (b) if they really want to investigate, eventually they will. Look at all of the people who post here!
Some Antis are just as bad as JW's
by DIM 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well........who licked the red off your candy cane, Dim?
all i want is the truth just gimme some truth
Perhaps that the point......to tell the truth about the truth. And what anti-jw goes around knocking on doors on Saturday morning? Most I've talked to sacredly hold onto the gift of doing whatever they want on this newly free day.Just think, there are some people raised in the org. who've never stayed in on Saturday morning (not gone in Field Service) in their life without a guilty conscience. Hard to believe....but true.
Trust me on this, I'll never knock on your door telling you any kind of truth.....unless it's Amway.
Well I think some were rabid JW's and are now rabid ex-JW's for certain. I'm of the type that was so-so when it came to service but a bit more rabid now. I suppose that's because we got lied to big time.
I know a rabid ex-democrat that is now a rabid republican. That the same??
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Watchtower walls are falling down, falling down, falling down;
Everybody keep on doing what you're doing...
DIM, go have some cheescake or something dear.
Well, I would agree to an extent. Seems some want to funnel all the energy undoing what they did as JW's.
I have to disagree with you on this one. Our group does send out material, but not to JW's. We don't waste time and money on letters JW's perceive to be apostate. We send letters to non-JW's in neighborhoods prone to have cults recruiting. Our letter doesn't promote any religion or bash any religion but warns the neighbors of the dangers of cults, how to determine if a door to door missionary is part of a cult, and how to question them. Since joining a cult can be just as dangerous as drugs, I don't see how our campaign is any different.If helping someone avoid getting involved in a potentially dangerous cult is not having a life, then what is?
I can understand how you feel Devon - if it works, then go for it. Now, it’s getting toward the convention season. At a lot of conventions there are folk with banners, leaflets, megaphones and sometimes they even bring instruments to play, all of them are the "apostates" that DIM is speaking about.
How does everybody feel about picketing? Do you feel it’s an effective method to get people out of the organization? I’ll throw this open, and then I’ll give you my 2 cents tomorrow!
I feel the picketing is:
1)an effective way to get the attention of non-jw's observing, present,working there, driving by, etc. etc.
2)a fabulous way for exjw's jw's and non-jw's to get together and have a FABULOUS time!!!
I'm going to try it muself for the first time this year---and I am still 'in' the org...the ultimate high!!
Like Dungbeetle said, I'm sure it's great fun to picket at conventions and might be effective for non-jws attending. The jws will totally ignore it though. I used to laugh at their signs.
I agree Dim, it's so much more productive just to move on with your life.
Nice to see you posting, I haven't seen you here in awhile. We should get together this summer.
Oh, come on!!
No JW is going to pay attention to "apostates" standing outside with banners, megaphones, etc. Would you have done when JW?
If anything, it does more harm than good - it reinforces JW perceptions of apostates as evil, destructive people !Whatever you do, do it for the JWs still in the org + not to make yourself fee good