Hi Goldiver, I like your name.
I have known TTATT, the truth about the truth, for 1 year, 9 months and 2 weeks.
It is hard to believe I had been lied to, all my life.
It is a good feeling to finally "grow up".
Who would really believe that "God" would think an uncharitible , unChristlike "Headquarters", lol, like "Watch Tower", had anything going for it except to use it's member's to further their Worldwide Property Developement and Book Publishing Empire. God chose THEM out of 7 billion people to LIVE and EVERYBODY else is to DIE??? I do not think so. That is childish, really crazy thinking.
I am glad to hear you too woke up from their delusional thinking.
How embarrassing to have ever been known as a Jehovah's Witness.