Hi, i really need some advice here. I was selected to play in a sports team representing the country i live in. It's no big deal as it wont create any kind of major publicity. I heard some rumblings from an elder that you could be df'd on the grounds of nationalism! Is that a possibility? Thanks in advance.
Can i be df'd for this?
by awakening 24 Replies latest jw friends
What about Venus and Serena Williams? They play for their country and both claim to be active witnesses. If anyone tries to target you, you could point to them as an example.
new hope and happiness
I doubt it. Our congregation had a young man who once represented England School boys in football.
I also saw a post recently with the G.B passports. Within the passports were words pledging alligence to America...they signed them Hypercrites....
MORE IMPORTANTLEY good luck with your sport...
The Williams sisters have only claimed to be unbaptized publishers and that was some time ago. Can't df unbaptized publishers since 1988.
" a person migh renounce his place in the Christian congregation by his actions, such as becoming part of a secular organization "_____Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page155
" (9) Separate from the world : " Shun the world's avid pursuit of material things and personal fame and it's excessive indulgence in pleasure."______Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 200
Case you didn't know. You are in a high control cult
new hope and happiness
Blondie ..i believe Venus is a baptised witness.
new hope and happiness
Wasblind... " a person may renonce in the congregation by his actions., such as comming part of a secular organisation" ...see my earlier post about the G.B and passports...oh and the small matter of the United Nations...Hypocrites...
Yes New Hope , They are hypocrits
It seems as if the GB and superstars have all the priviledges
A lesson every JW should learn:
Any JW can be disfellowshipped for anything that 3 elders agree on.
new hope and happiness
Sir82...may i had even without a trial or a dury...