It's strange that Metatron loves Norway a country has socialised everything and pay for it by taxation.
Metatron am I right in thinking that your were against Obamacare?
by metatron 24 Replies latest jw friends
It's strange that Metatron loves Norway a country has socialised everything and pay for it by taxation.
Metatron am I right in thinking that your were against Obamacare?
Sweden and Norway also come up very high on the Human Development Index, ahead of the United States. No doubt, if they are taking care of the elderly and reducing the income gap. They also have admirably low teen pregnancy rates, something only a few states in the US achieve.
A peaceful, wealthy country where people have every hope of becoming whatever they want to be. Big surprise, few social problems.
Hey, I said I admire them, not that I want to live there. It's like Canada - nice country and people but it's too damned cold.
Obamacare? I'm torn on that one. We need a better healthcare system and to take care of poor people. Unfortunately, we have one party that protects the rich and another that is simply incompetent. Go figure.
Countries such as Sweden and Germany seem to be slipping thru the current worldwide depression fairly well and I think conservative types need to acknowledge that.
Amazing how the countries in the post WWII era that embraced their citizens welfare are doing so well.
Here in the US we have much to learn.
Oh, and for contrast - as to political idiocy.
The US Senate now has 54 supporters of a bill to derail peace talks with Iran and hand over US warmaking powers to Israel and Saudi Arabia. This news comes in the same week that Al-Qaeda took over part of Iraq and now control more territory than ever.
Meanwhile, Congress won't extend unemployment benefits. Incredible.
0ne million crowns is only about $170,000 so they aren't millionares yet. most people in western countries are millionares anyway a house by itself is close to a million then add other investments on and you're pretty much there. I was reading an artical saying there should be a new definitionof what a milionare is the suggestion being one who has an income on one million per year.
The Norwegians do have a great electricity grid powered 100% by hydro electricity with no polution
Norway is also predominately atheist.
I love to visit Norway in Epcot. I've never been, but my spouse has been there and Sweden. Loves it.
I enjoyed STeig Larsens books, but I had to grab a blankie just to get through them all. I might visit in summer. . . but honestly, Amsterdam was expensive enough! and that was just the airport.
One very important and relevant point. If the USA had the same immigrant policies as norwayor sweeden, what might happen? How might that affect the government tax spending?