August 2015 WT - Let's Review the BS Children

by InjusticeSystem 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • InjusticeSystem

    Found these gems in this edition:

    - Keep in Expectation!
    - Prepare Now for Life in the New World

    The passing of time should not cause us to lose hope that
    Kingdom blessings will be realized. There are solid reasons
    to keep our Scriptural expectations alive. These articles
    show how this can be done.

    Basically a recap of 607 and 1914 being correct and endless assurances of, "Yes, it is undeniable that the end of this system is close, right over that next hill.......oh wait no, we meant THAT, no, THAT hill." Oh, and also some nice discouragement of higher education, impatience, questioning, discontentment, and a loss of urgency in these "last days." You know, all the classics.

    They're worth a read if you kinda need a drink right now, but want a reason to REALLY need a drink RIGHT NOW.

  • InjusticeSystem

    Sorry forgot link:

    August 2015 WT Online

    Cheers everybody

  • Magnum
    So they're sticking with 607/1914 - at least for a while.
  • yodastar
    If I could double like I would have. It does your head in how they can stomach the same rubbish over and over. No wonder half of them are closet drinkers.
  • bafh
    I don't see them being able to hold on to that much longer. Especially with the no type/antitype stance, the whole thing comes apart. I say that they abandon 1914 in the next year or so and within 5 years at the very latest.
  • All for show
    All for show
    Oh have got too read the article, Prepare for life in the new world now, geez like we don't have enough stress. I think paragraph 4? Has fake scenarios in displaying patience in the new world? So pathetic, bizarre....
  • InjusticeSystem

    It's such a core doctrine though, it's difficult to see the reward for the risk of shaking the faith of the older JW's who have had 1914 and 607 carved into their minds for so long. Then again, my mother in law once told me (verbatim):

    "If the Organization one day told us not to wear the color blue anymore, we just wouldn't wear it anymore. We wouldn't ask why or question, because when the Organization speaks, it's Jehovah speaking to us."

    God I wish I was making that up. We'll see where the insanity takes them. Perhaps they'll just lose the 607 and keep 1914 as a somewhat ambiguous date when Jesus invisibly came to power, sort of like:

    "....Because why again? What led us to that conclusion?"

    "....Uh.....Um........(shit)......Look out! Armageddon's right behind you!"

    (Changes subject)

  • steve2
    Prepare now for life in the new world by doing what generations of Witnesses have failed to do: Prepare for retirement and old age in this world.
  • a watcher
    a watcher
    I don't care about 607/1914. I was more concerned about other parts of the article "Prepare Now for Life in the New World". Paragraphs 6 & 7 are particularly mind-bending. They sure don't make the paradise sound very enjoyable: ...unappealing work...? ...ASSIGNED to live...? No choice? SUBMIT!
  • wizzstick

    So we can expect that world conditions, bad as they are now, will continue to decline.

    But they're not getting worse are they? You're making this up!

    For example, do you expect that there will be a war in every country, no food on anyone’s table, and illness in every household? Under those conditions, even skeptics would likely feel compelled to admit that Bible prophecy was undergoing fulfillment. However, Jesus said that most people would take “no note” of his presence, carrying on with life’s normal activities until it is too late.

    Thus, the Scriptures indicate that world conditions during the last days would not become so extreme that people would be forced to believe that the end is near.

    Riiiight. So actually it won't become worse than it is. Because then it would be too obvious. Why would God want the Last Days to become obvious, eh? Great logic there WT!

    On the other hand, for the composite sign to serve its purpose, the fulfillment of it would have to be obvious enough to command the attention of those who have been obeying Jesus’ counsel to “keep on the watch.”

    And that has been the case since 1914. From that time onward, the features of the sign have been undergoing fulfillment. Clearly, we are now living in “the conclusion of the system of things”—a limited period of time leading up to and including the destruction of this wicked system.

    We are right. We are right. We are right. We are right. We are right. We are right. We are right.

    One sister commented: “By preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom, we . . . can help to rescue persons from sure death in the coming world catastrophe.”

    Charming. God will judge people on their reaction to a dodgy message about 1914. Way to go God!

    Events on the world scene clearly indicate that Bible prophecy is now being fulfilled and that the end of this wicked system of things is imminent. Therefore, we should not assume that much time is needed for the state of this world to develop to the point where “the ten horns” and “the wild beast” of Revelation 17:16 turn on Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Let us bear in mind that God will “put it into their hearts” to make that move—and this could happen swiftly and at any time!

    Indicate? What they don't prove fulfilment? They Indicate...

    Imminent. Probably the most overused work in the WT lexicon.

    So it's business as usual in WT land. But for an article which is supposed to be a rallying call, it seems to be very lack lustre. In years gone by the article would have been crammed with quotes from newspapers about how human society is falling apart . But we're not in the 60's anymore.

    It's all very sad.

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