The exact chronology of Paul's Damascene experience cannot be firmly established, but certainly a number of years had passed since the death of Jesus. Perhaps only three or four years, maybe more. We do not have an accurate history of this time.
But, it is evident that by the time Paul was converted a Cult of Jesus was flourishing within Judaism, hence his opposition, as it seemed very subversive to his Pharisee mind.
What was this cult built upon ? Myth and Legend.
Much like the myths that grew up around other contempory figures, Apollonius of Tyana is one I often quote, these legends contained a resurrection myth, stories of miracles and of unearthly powers of perception and prophecy.
This is what Paul was taught when he contacted members of the cult. Myth and Legend, not solid facts.
So, his own faith was based on the brain fart(s) he experienced, and baseless stories he was told, and yet the Christian religions we see today, over 2000, of them are based upon the thoughts of this man.
Not a good foundation.