Why the New World Bible Translation is special

by pixel 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pixel

    Let the GB/WT/FDS tell you:

    Page 4, 2014 Yearbook

    Jehovah used his own spirit-begotten sons to provide the original New World Translation. (Rom. 8:15, 16) That fact alone certainly makes this translation special, do you not agree?

    Do you not agree also?

    God waited how many years for a group of men gather and translate his Word?????

    Also on the same page:

    The New World Bible Translation Committee released the newly revised English edition of the finest translation of the Bible available to mankind.

    How humble the WT/FDS/GB are!!


  • Bobcat
  • pixel

    Good Botcat!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "....the finest translation of the Bible available to mankind"

    Hmmm....if true, why is it that no Bible scholars or non-JWs use it?

  • punkofnice

    Jehovah used his own spirit-begotten sons to provide the original New World Translation. (Rom. 8:15, 16) That fact alone certainly makes this translation special, do you not agree?


    ...and it's not a 'fact' either.

    Just shows what a twat Jehovah(TM) is if he can't even get the original version right without it needing updating!

  • 4thgen

    It's grey. It's neither black nor white.

  • pixel

    "if he can't even get the original version right without it needing updating!"

    Good point Punk. And dont we forget about the typo on the book of Numbers...

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Yes, it's a cult.

    ...the finest translation of the Bible available to mankind.

    Because they are a cult, and because the Bible IS SUPPOSED TO BE their most important book, they go way over the top selling it. No real revelations there.

  • TD
    Jehovah used his own spirit-begotten sons to provide the original New World Translation. (Rom. 8:15, 16) That fact alone certainly makes this translation special, do you not agree?

    Does it actually say that? What's the context? It sounds like a flat claim of divine intervention in the translation process

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