Today's daily text: a contradiction

by pixel 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pixel

    So they publish this:

    Friday, January 10

    You do not want to go also, do you?—John 6:67.

    Peter responded to Jesus’ question with these words: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68, 69) Did this mean that Peter fully understood all that Jesus had just said about His coming sacrifice? (John 6:53-60) Probably not. Even so, Peter was determined to be loyal to God’s anointed Son. Peter did not reason that Jesus must have the wrong view of things and that if given time, He would recant what He had said. No, Peter humbly recognized that Jesus had “sayings of everlasting life.” Likewise today, how do we react if we encounter a point in our Christian publications from “the faithful steward” that is hard to understand or that does not match with our thinking? We should try hard to get the sense of it rather than merely expecting that there will be a change to conform to our viewpoint.—Luke 12:42. w12 4/15 2:10, 11

    When I read this piece of... I went like "WTF".

    First, they say that Peter did not think that Jesus would recant. I Jesus said, is written on stones. Fine with that.

    But the main idea behind this is:


    Peter=The R&F.

    If Jesus did not recant, we neither. But that's not what the WT/FDS/GB does????? They recant everytime they come up with a new crazy "idea" (light).

    Also, WTF with the "try hard" people dont get their stupids crazy "ideas" (lights) because they dont make same.

    And almost most of the time, when they explain something, and a Witness see is wrong, they change it to the understanding of the R&F that didnt get it in the first place.

    This cult is crazy!!!!!!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Wow. That's some freaky cult-speak right there.

  • snare&racket

    Wow they are scared of the inevitible.....

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Did this mean that Peter fully understood all that Jesus had just said about His coming sacrifice? (John 6:53-60) Probably not.

    The next line should read, Probably not, "but Peter did not feel it was okay to speculate, create absurd doctrines based on those speculations, invent false prophecies, teach his nonsense widely, then demand everyone had to believe his nonsense or face excommunication from the Christian congregation."

  • losingit

    So happy Im out of the goddamn cult!!

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    While the witnesses point to the Catholic Church where the pope claims to be the earthy representative of Jesus...meanwhile their Governing Body voices the exact same claim. They are no different!

  • Laika

    One of the things that bothers me about the JWs use of this text applied to the Society is that Jesus was talking about Communion, something those same JWs are not allowed to do.


    Rest assured, there is much turmoil behind the scenes of WT-land. The hypocrisy of that text is unreal. I am glad I stopped reading them.

  • kneehighmiah

    I recieved my first shunning after disagreeing with today's text. I mentioned that the GB was equating themselves to the perfect and infallible Jesus. My friend then told me that she would appreciate it if I no longer talked to her until if and when I deal with my issues. She referenced the Dec 15th 2013 study edition as the basis for her decision. I'm still an MS so I guess Jehovah forgot to shun me. Definitely a cult, but can't leave until I finish my degree.

  • Theredeemer


    Seriously, how can anybody reads this and not think it was totally bizzare? There is a reason they put this so early in this, of all years. I am usually not one to make psuedo prophetic statement but, this coupled with the "listen to us even if it seem crazy" statement in the WT study and everything else they have been spouting, points to some big changes.

    Or maybe ive just forgotten how brain dead I used to be.

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