Hi all,
A few months prior to baptism i had shoulder length hair which i loved and had wanted ever since i was a child. I remember sitting with an elder during a bible study and asking him point blank if I 'had' to cut my hair. Whilst the answer was given slightly awkwardly the answer was a no, "there are no rules that say you have to cut your hair". Admittedly no one ever said I had to or even pressured me into doing so, however as soon as i had it cut I was overwhelmed with people 'congratualting' me. Everyone saying how pleased they were i had made this 'change', with one sister telling me she is glad i cut it as it was a 'disgrace'.
Now I am finding out that I wasnt exactly levelled with at the time. Every time i see a 'wordly' person in the watchtower they seem to be depicted with long hair (usually shouting at their girlfreind or taking drugs etc). I also hear people say things like 'you will be passed over for any privileges' if you grow your hair too long.
My question is, what joys await me if i wanted to grow my hair back out? Are there any witnesses at all with long hair?
I want to grow my hair back out!
by onlyastory 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Interesting first post...
You will, indeed, be passed over for "privileges" if you have long hair (or a beard). Although there is nothing in the Bible against such (Maybe 1 Cor. 11:14, but I don't really think that was intended as a grooming rule).
Just like many other things the WTBTS teaches, not from the Bible, just pulled out of their ass.
I would before have said you can't be DFd for it, but this "brazen conduct" thing has given the elders very wide latitude on DFings now.
I want to grow my hair back out!
.........................On your Head?!..
onlyastory: Welcome to the forum! Everyone on this forum has had extensive experience with JW's in one way or another. We can assure that there are MANY unwritten rules that you won't learn about until you have been baptized and become an insider. Don't be shocked by anything you see or hear at the Kingdom Hall. You are being judged every minute.
'' what joys await me if I want to grow my hair back out? "
When you trimmed your hair, they percieved it as submission their groupthink or social norm.
If you choose to grow your hair back out to pre-baptism length, it will be percieved as a lack
of sincerity/weakness/worldliness or rebellion. It will trigger judgementally/gossip/marking. These fine
christian qualities should move you to repentance and re-submit to their self importance.
Well, it's your hair. Do as you damn well please.
I guess it depends on your perspective...
Either this:
1 Corinthians 11:14
Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him.
Or this:
Numbers 6:5
“All the days of his vow of separation, no razor shall touch his head. Until the time is completed for which he separates himself to the Lord, he shall be holy. He shall let the locks of hair of his head grow long.
But then again there is this so none of it really matters..
1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
So you got baptised , I`m sorry but it is all downhill from now on . It is now all about obeying the elders of your congregation , long hair , beards are all no - no `s , its all about control and once you are baptised they will control you until you either leave or D.A. yourself or get D.F.
It`s a pity you didnt find this forum before you got dunked.
By the way , welcome here , you will learn a lot more about the "truth" here in one month than one year in a KH .
I also hear people say things like 'you will be passed over for any privileges' if you grow your hair too long.
That's for sure.. no more cleaning toilets, holding doors open, patrolling car parks, or holding the revered microphone in meetings for you mate..