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by LostGeneration 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    You Can Make God Rejoice

    CAN we actually affect the way God feels? Does God have the capacity to rejoice? One dictionary definition of the word “God” is “the supreme or ultimate reality.” What if that awesome reality were simply a force? Could we expect an impersonal force to rejoice? Hardly. Consider, though, what the Bible says about God.

    “God is a Spirit,” said Jesus Christ. (John 4:24) A spirit is a form of life that differs from humans. Though invisible to human eyes, a spirit has a body—“a spiritual one.” (1 Corinthians 15:44; John 1:18) Employing figures of speech, the Bible even speaks of God as having eyes, ears, hands, and so forth.* God also has a name—Jehovah. (Psalm 83:18) The God of the Bible, then, is a spirit person. (Hebrews 9:24) “He is the living God and the King to time indefinite.”—Jeremiah 10:10.

    As a real living person, Jehovah is capable of thought and action. He manifests qualities and feelings, likes and dislikes. The Bible, in fact, abounds in expressions that reveal what things please or displease him. Whereas man-made gods and idols merely mirror the traits or qualities of their human inventors, the almighty God, Jehovah, is the very Originator of the emotions that he planted in humans.—Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 44:7-11.

    Jehovah is without a doubt “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) He not only rejoices in his creative works but also takes pleasure in accomplishing his purpose. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah declares: “Everything that is my delight I shall do . . . I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it.” (Isaiah 46:9-11) The psalmist sang: “Jehovah will rejoice in his works.” (Psalm 104:31) But there is yet another source of joy to God. He says: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice.” (Proverbs 27:11) Think of what that means—we can make God rejoice!

    Why Does the Bible Describe God in Human Terms?

    Since “God is a Spirit,” we cannot see him with our physical eyes. (John 4:24) The Bible therefore uses figures of speech, such as similes, metaphors, and anthropomorphisms to help us comprehend God’s might, majesty, and activities. Anthropomorphism (Greek, “man-form”) is the attributing of human characteristics to a nonhuman subject. So even though we do not know what God’s spirit body looks like, the Bible speaks of God as having eyes, ears, hands, arms, fingers, feet, and a heart.—Genesis 8:21; Exodus 3:20; 31:18; Job 40:9; Psalm 18:9; 34:15.

    Such descriptive language does not mean that God’s spirit body has the same kind of members that human bodies have. Anthropomorphisms are not to be taken literally. They merely help humans to have a better understanding of God. Without such figures of speech, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for any description of God to be comprehensible to mere humans. However, that does not mean that Jehovah God’s personality has been fabricated by humans. The Bible clearly explains that man was created in God’s image—not God in man’s image. (Genesis 1:27) Because Bible writers were “inspired of God,” their depiction of God’s personality is in reality his own description of his personal qualities—the very qualities that he has implanted to varying degrees in his human creation. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) Rather than being man’s qualities in God, they are really God’s qualities in man.

  • Ding

    How long before they start public reproof and then DFing of JWs who aren't deemed sufficiently active?

  • rebel8

    You can "make" jehoopla and the angels rejoice, or do anything, for that matter.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey, a purple plastic toy can make Jehovah sad so he's one emotionally sensitive dude.

  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova cares about you--that is, about enslaving you. And using you to help with its global enslavement program with your psychic energy. Waste 200 hours a month going door to door getting others to waste their time donating their psychic energy to the global enslavement program. And yes, joke-hova and its filthy angels will rejoice--that is, at our eternal misery and enslavement. That thing has always wanted mankind to be enslaved, making it a crime to be free.

    On the other hand, Satan and His Demons want us free. They fought in Eden so we can be free from bondage to joke-hova. We can be free to do all things that are within human nature--without wasting 90% of our time pushing smut that is designed to sap psychic energy to our enslavement. We can be free to get whatever education we see fit. We can be free to research things to our contentment, not relying on washtowel sources. We can be free to make a living, without having to donate 90% of it to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund or being guilted into cutting back so we can do more to further global enslavement. We can do things that humans were designed to, without guilt.

    Given this, why would anyone want joke-hova or its filthy angels to be happy?

  • steve2

    So, if my behaviour affects the grand Creator of Everything, was he sad when I spent my Witness youth depressed? Did that sadness move Him to help me? So, now you expect me to want to make this remote, uninvolved Creator rejoice?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't think they'll be bothering me for a while. I just made one lie about their church doctrines and practices and caught them out very publicly. They don't like getting caught lying with an audience of Worldlies.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ooooh Black Sheep, tell us more!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's easy Julia. You ask them a question that they can't honestly answer without the Worldly seeing their cultish side. Once you have made them lie, you ask them questions to get them to contradict what they just said. I did the same thing to some Mormons last week.

  • frankiespeakin

    According to the Governing Body all sorts of things make Jehovah sad and all sorts of things make Jehovah happy. So with Jehovah power to observe everything at the same time he watching all kinds of stuff that makes that makes him sad and happy,, billions and billions of things, all at the same time. So according to the Governing Body's teachings about Jehovah's mental and emotional states produced by peoples conducts he must be in a emotional mess.

    With this type of emotional reaction to the worlds problems going on inside Jehovah's person is it any wonder why he goes on these temper tantrums and wipes out entire populations when he's in a highly depressed state over people not having faith in him, or they get side tracted and fail to listen to his Organization/Watchtower Corporation. He's probably got Schizophrenia .

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