Good point. Is it a desire to protect their young children from the scary world out there, or a subconscious need for a support network?
Who is easier to indoctrinate, men or women?
by kneehighmiah 52 Replies latest jw friends
It appears women are easier to indoctrinate, but only because a lot of men prefer to join secret societies rather than organized religion.
Nobody really knows what they believe, but since the french revolution and during the 20th Century those societies have been far more fanatic and destructive than any known religion.
A number of men join them seeking to gain status or power over others, even if most of them achieve only a small measure of it.
That seems to be enough to keep them happy in chains.
I think Christianity only became less attractive to men the moment secret societies appeared in the scene, before that Christianity was very much a male religion. Let the woman learn in silence....