I'm not ignoring the pain that thousands of disfellowshipped JW's suffer or the needless deaths or undealt with abuses. To all these people the Watchtower Society is far from irrelevant - it's the cause of their misery, isolation and loss.
So what DO I mean?
If we want to make a difference then our focus needs to be on PEOPLE. On the young boys & girls like we once were who are still having further education and fulfilling life choices snatched away from them. On the husbands and wives whose relationships are skewed by the intrusion of nonsense and the treadmill of pointless activity. On the old folks whose dreams have faded and who fear a future they could never have anticipated.
We need to reach over the heads of the circle-jerking Governing Body and its ranks of sycophantic 'yes' men to the PEOPLE WE LOVE!
Abandon any ideas of bringing down the Watchtower or making offers to meet and discuss reform. Forget working from within your congregations as an undercover but sympathetic elder - just talk kindly to the PEOPLE YOU LOVE.