There are several of the new bibles on EBay, but here you can buy the whole box of 32. I don't know if this link will show the original listing, you may have to click on that to see the description. I wonder where these came from, the description seems a bit strange.
New World Translation 2013 on EBay
by startingover 16 Replies latest jw friends
one shows $19,,do you think the pubs are "donating" that much to the WTS to cover expense. Has anyone heard how many have been printed so far?
Witness My Fury
"Part of a bulk purchase" ... makes me wonder where they bought them from? And then where they bought them from, etc...
There is only one way these got into this position is that they were at some point stolen and sold on by someone as I highly doubt the WTS sells them in bulk. to anyone.
10 boxes of 32 unopened bibles...
There is no way to get hold of them, other than something dodgy. The copyright is owned by WT, so either they are approved by WT for sale, or they have been Soprano'd off a truck in Brooklyn, only to have the worst bootie on board ever!
Gypsy Sam
Couldn't they be boxes ditched after the error was found?
This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available.
Surprise, surprise.
Why would anyone pay for a free bible?
On the same page is a "New Sterile Laceration Kit"
Could come in handy when you want to do a quick fade..
Why would anyone pay for a free bible?
I don't know, but people are paying...
So far, this same seller has sold 103 of them individually at $18.99 each.
"These were not purchased from Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. These were part of a bulk acquisition of salvaged goods. As salvaged goods, if we had not acquired these, it is possible they would currently be in a dumpster or landfill. They were not stolen or obtained in any illicit manner, and we have all proper documentation showing a legal transaction. We are selling this in order to recoup our costs."
I thought that Gypsy Sam, but they are all faulty ;)
At $18.99 each, the Watchtower would be wise to use a shill for selling them, I doubt they average that kind of a contribution. Or it may be a good way to boost up the local kingdom hall building fund.