Debunking Jehovah's Witnesses claim Life is getting worse for humans- Population
by Watchtower-Free 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Statistics prove life for humans is MUCH better since 1914
Oh Gawd
Most won't watch the whole thing but they should. Anyone who does watch will be smarter and more knowledgable than those who chose not to....Thank you for posting.
Life was far worse during the Dark Ages. We were in a Golden Age many thousands of years ago, under Satan. Then along comes joke-hova. That thing first pollutes the human race, installing what its own LIE-ble calls "its chosen people". From there, Judaism evicts people from their land--and Tyrant David is prominent about gloating about this. Beyond there, Christi-SCAM-ity spreads. Once it becomes widespread, the Inquisition goes around and slaughters anyone with knowledge of pagan religions. Science is squashed. During this period, the cat lick church made sure things were as dreary as they could possibly be. Despite severe sex taboos, diseases were worse than now. Spanish flu? H7N9? H5N1? The plague was worse. Many died--3/4 of the population died of the plague.
Climate change? Back in the Middle Ages, it was even warmer than it is now. Then we got a minor Ice Age, from which we are now coming out of. And they blamed the sin of whoever they thought was using black magick. You are not strong in the church, you are suspect. Instead of storm warnings, they would just get hit with dangerous storms, cold or heat spells, floods, and so on. And they would blame whoever didn't attend church within the past few years for "witchcraft". Those trying to work on finding real solutions were hounded and slaughtered.
Of course, they are working on communism--the twin of Christi-SCAM-ity. Under communism, they intend to reinstate worse than First Dark Ages conditions on us all. Internet II is the start. Ultimately, we are going to be crammed into apartments that are about 25 square meters, given jobs we hate, digitally bar-coded and microchipped, and any dissent to be stopped electronically. And Christi-SCAM-ity will be totally at fault, including jokehovianism.
It was worth the watch.
Very interesting. Thanks
I'm about half way through. Its very interesting, but more importantly, informative. I wish this hadn't been advertised as debunking JWs, as it will turn off most JWs from even being willing to watch it. It is something that they might watch for information had they not been turned off by the introduction to it (by its youTube titling). My mom would watch it otherwise, she loves this kind of thing. Trying to find the same presentation elsewhere on net.
never a jw
Great video! One problem though, the name. Most JW's won't touch it because they assume that it was made by those "evil apostates". If you are in control of the name, search for a better one that doesn't make JW's avoid it.
Gypsy Sam
Don't Panic -- is a one-hour long documentary broadcasted on BBC on the 7th of November 2013.
Sources for data shown in DONĀ“T PANIC good one about Wealth