An article on a JW who died from lack of blood. Family then sued.
An incident in Michigan
by Mandette 37 Replies latest watchtower medical
They sued the doctors. I'm sorry but that's deplorable. Am I missing something here?
I'm glad to see the court acknowledge the truth:
In this sad case, Gwendolyn Rozier and her family made a choice, and decided to forego a blood transfusion that likely would have saved her life.
So they sought out doctors who were experienced treating jehovahs witnesses , no doubt aided by the society , and when she died the family sued the doctors. They lose the appeal and are now going to take it to a higher court.
I agree rebel8 it is deplorable.
Let's see if those doctors will treat any more Jehovah's Witnesses.
We know who should be sued.
Terrible question, but..... should she have gotten the transplant knowing that death was very likely in case of rejection of the organ without a blood transfusion?
They really had no right to sue the doctors. Their hands were needlessly tied behind their backs.
Let's see if those doctors will treat any more Jehovah's Witnesses.....Jgnat
...............................Another JW Dies..
........,,,,,,,,....Doctor Writes Death Certificate..
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,Cause of Death:
...................."Too Stupid to Listen to Doctor"
losingit, I don't think your remark is awful. Organs are not in unlimited supply, so choices must be made.
However, the way the article is worded makes me think the complication was somewhat unexpected?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine in advance who will have a rejection episode [source]
Doctors found that her body was rejecting the kidney and could not save the transplant, in part because Rozier signed documents denying consent for a blood transfusion, and her husband stood by the denial, according to court documents. [from the original news article]
I am annoyed by this lawsuit. As noted above, the patient put her wishes in writing and her husband upheld them. Now he wants money?
Rozier's estate argued that by prescribing blood-thinning medications, ordering daily removal of blood plasma and failing to recognize signs of internal bleeding, doctors contributed to the need for a blood transfusion and to her death.
But a Macomb County Circuit Court judge dismissed the case and the appeals court upheld that decision Friday.
"Reasonable minds could not disagree that reasonable efforts were not made to avoid Rozier’s death and the resulting damages," Judges Pat M. Donofrio and Jane M. Beckering wrote in the court opinion. "The trial court did not err by concluding that the doctrine of avoidable consequences precluded plaintiff from recovering damages for Rozier’s death."
I'm assuming that last paragraph means the patient and her husband/plaintiff are the ones who did not take reasonable efforts to avoid the consequences.
A lawyer for Roziers estate is appealing this decisionn and taking it to a higher court , what does that tell you about the family and jehovahs witnesses .
"the doctrine of avoidable consequences"
That pretty much sums it up.
WT likes its stupid doctrines but does not want to deal with the inevitable results of said doctrines.
A lawyer for Roziers estate is appealing this decisionn and taking it to a higher court , what does that tell you about the family and jehovahs witnesses .
How do you know that those prosecuting the lawsuit are JWs?