Do you have school aged children still going to meetings?

by KateWild 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    I do. I have stopped going but my son goes with his dad once a week. My son got asked by his dad..............

    "Do you want to be a publisher again?"

    My son replies

    "I am not ready dad"

    Wow what a relief I had when he told me. I really don't want my son canvassing for a publishing company. My son also told me that his dad saw a picture of him blowing out candles on a birthday cake, my son exclaimed to me..............

    "Well mum, I am in the world, I can have birthdays and Xmas because I am in the world now aren't I?"

    Do you have school aged children still going to meetings?

    What experiences have you had?

  • KateWild

    Thanks to the 162 guys who have read my post. Looks like none of you guys have school aged kids trapped in though. I am glad at the moment my son does not want to be a publisher, but I am also not so thrilled he is going to meetings.

    Sadly he is being forced so he tells me, but I think a sense a little compliance and indoctrination at work. I think right now he is safe not being a publisher, but there may be a time in the future that he feels differently. I suppose if I always make the alternative fun for him, he will remain stable. It's just so difficult when there are visitation restrctions sadly.

    What is your experience with school age kids?

    Kate xx

  • happy@last

    I have 2, one pre teen, another mid teen. The pre teen does not go anymore, her mother says it is because I am blackmailing her by having a good time with her! My daughter says the meetings are boring. The mid teen is sadly confused and feels sorry for her mother, she goes but pays little attention to what is going on, I ask her every now and then and she shrugs her shoulders.

    I do not agree to either going door to door, the older one will only go on 'calls' with her mother.

    An odd thing happened recently. I have DA'd myself recently, and the child of an elder recently shunned my daughters! Saves me from having to highlight how inhumane they are.

  • lildev

    i DA'd myself summer of last year. i tried to explain to my teen daughter why and she ran an covered her ears. maybe i should have had a better exit plan. didnt see her clinging to the org. none of my daughters immediate family goes to the hall. shes not baptised yet. i hope some day i can share why i left.

  • happy@last

    lildev, sorry to hear of her reaction. I faded for over 2 years so my children could see I'm not the bad person the JWs would make me out to be.

  • KateWild

    Happy, thank you for your experience I hope the elder one doesn't get baptised, but the shunning thing will both sadly and happily show them the truth about the BOrg. It must be horrible for you to watch them suffer this way though.

    Lildev, thank you so much for your encouraging post. I hope to get to know your story soon, and I hope your teen can see the full picture about the BOrg before it does too much damage to her.

    Kate xx

  • happy@last

    It must be horrible for you to watch them suffer this way though.

    It sure is! I don't think my eldest would ever consider baptism thankfully, but it is very confusing for them all the same.

  • KateWild

    Happy, At least we are not alone and understand what we ourselves and our kids are going through. It's nice not to be alone in this eh? Kate xx

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Once we realized that our kids understood what was said at the meetings, Me and my wife took the choice to stop attending. It just didn't make sense to raise our kids to see themselves as complete outcasts from the world (including school) believing that they have the ultimate truth while all others will perish.

    Even though we stoped young, they had enough time at the meetings to tell me stuff like:

    "I want to go to the meetings cause I want to be good, I don;t want to be evil".

    In the ears of a JW, this is sweetness. In my ears, it sounded like:

    "The whole world, 7+ Billions are evil cause they don't go to our meetings. I don't want to be evil with them."

    It sent chills down my spine I swear.

    On the otherhand, a whole lot of what is teached at the meeting is also good. So, if your kid is forced to go there, try to spend the equal amount of time sorting through the good and the bad and try to teach him how to think for himself and uphold his own convictions. In the end, nothing is black and white.

  • KateWild

    sorting through the good and the bad and try to teach him how to think for himself and uphold his own convictions.-ecan6

    Yes thank you for your advice, critical thinking skills are at the top of my list. Sadly our time we have is so little but its precious to us both. Thanks Kate xx

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