Yet another problem with GB = FDS

by leaving_quietly 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leaving_quietly

    I was pondering this teaching yesterday. The claim is that Jesus and Jehovah came and inspected all the religions and in 1919, chose Rutherford as the FDS. Today, the claim is that the Governing Body is the FDS. Does this mean that Jesus and Jehovah inspected all the religions EACH TIME before choosing the next FDS member(s)? How can the current GB claim to be the FDS if this didn't happen? Since there is no claim for inspection after 1919, then this completely obliterates the GB = FDS teaching since the current GB were not in existence in 1919 and therefore could not have been selected. The only one that could possibly have been selected, according to the strictest interpretation of the teaching, is Rutherford. No one else. The master only appointed ONE slave, not a succession of slaves.


  • stillin

    Thinking is going to get you in trouble. Ask somebody who is active. Most of us here already know that the GB has made a power-play. It is a good question and well expressed.

  • heathen

    From what I've been seeing around here mainly , is that they are now saying the tribulation did not start with WW1 and there was no selection of FDS since that happens during the tribulation . Don't know if that's official from the WTBTS. It would seem odd that God would want successors , kinda like the RCC and the pope . If the annointing started in 1919 ce then it would make sense it's not about an individual because rutherford is dead and there is also the evil slave of which I think they are guilty of which makes sense someone else would take charge over all of Gods belongings . They had the tribulation dogma all over the place as well , it starts and stops and starts again

  • JustVisting

    Jesus said you cannot put new wine (FDS=GB) into old wine skins (1919 inspection, domestics, GT).

  • Ding

    Good point.

    It's almost like the concept papal succession, isn't it?

    But JWs think of everything organizationally.

    Remember the "we don't follow men" mantra?

    JWs view it that Jehovah and Jesus chose and organization and then holy spirit chooses the leaders.

  • Crazyguy

    The jw ridiculed the Catholic church for apostolic succession say that if the first pope was indeed chosen by holyspirit that is doesn't mean ever pope after is. Yet the jws do the exact same with Rutherford then eveyone since.

  • Finkelstein

    Since 1919 nothing has happened as to what the FDS of the WTS said was going to happen

    and all of these men of 1919 have since died off.

    ................ummmm ????

    Maybe the Watchtower Corporation was NOT chosen by God after all.

    oops.... " Houston We Have a Problem "

  • sspo

    Nothing makes sense....whatever they believe today will be changed next year. The lighter always gets brighter.........ask any JW.

  • leaving_quietly

    The problem with bright light is: if it gets too bright, it's blinding.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Jehovah and Jesus evidently had "overlapping" opinions of just who the FDS should be so apparently they decided to allow succession among the GB/FDS you know kinda how big J allowed polygamy among the Israelites, knowing that "soon" all this would become brighter and brighter.

    Just saying!


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