I know it sounds a bit weird but I think the elders did have a bit of sympathy for me. I was always a very obedient little JW!! Huey!! Ruuuuuuuth!!! Our elders were generally pretty descent chaps, albeit totally misguided etc etc. I find it really interesting how you all have had different experiences. I tended to believe the 'all congs united doing all things the same" scenario.
Found out about my 'marking'.
by Oneoutallout 13 Replies latest jw friends
LHG. Oh yeah, the cat is well and truly out of the bag. We are very much enjoying our freedom.
compound complex
Not by name, of course, I was marked during a Sunday's WT study. That was unusual in that markings are generally relegated to announcements at the evening meeting (TMS/SM).
Separation of Powers
If that is indeed the way the announcement was made then I would suggest you contact a lawyer and get it formally and legally addressed. Blondie's post addresses the requirements for marking. It is done clandestinely, without the use of names, so that it blankets the congregation and no one can be liable or held for slander. It also allows the rumor mill to ramp up and then the "mature" ones can kind of direct to whomever they wish.