From my experience as a JW I noticed that myself, and many young ones do not have a choice in the decision of becoming a JW or not. From infancy you are indoctrinated, so by the time you become a teenager and just begining to reason on right and wrong and what you will do with your life it has already been decided. So at this moment in your late teens you come to a cross roads... If you decide not to be a JW you will be mentally and emotionally beaten, threatened and oustracized bordering on abuse. So your options are null and void. You have no money to leave your home because your parents were taught not to get a good education and job and just rely on jehovah, so you followed the same direction and can barelinsurances phone bill let alone an apartment. Everyone you can turn to for assistance are all JWs and are in the same boat and if learned of your position wouldn't help you and oustracize you also. You have no outside family or friends to turn to because you couldn't associate with them. You have been taught to be so afraid of the big evil world that running away and living on the street is not an option. You havent learned TTATT so you think weird and freaky JWs are right even though you just don't want to be a weird and freaky JW!!! So your STUCK between a ROCK and a HARD place. Just suck it up and become a JW or live a life of hell on the outside (as taught by WBATS) with no assistance from freinds or family. If you don't get baptized by 20 and barely go in service or make meetings you are ostracized by other JWs (pretty much disfellowshipped) and miss out on outings and activities with other JWs! You become lonely and so you decide to get baptized and suck it up and try to rationalize being a JW and accepting it as life, I know I did, so when I finally learned TTATT it was shocking and life changing to say the least...
So pretty much in a nutshell being born in as a JW your option of not becoming a JW is almost not possible...