Kyrgyzstan Court Rules in Favor of Conscientious Objectors
BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan—The Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan unanimously declared on November 19, 2013, that the country’s current law on alternative service is unconstitutional and violates the right of freedom of religion. The Court directed the government to amend the law to allow for genuine alternative civilian service for those who, for reasons of conscience, object to military service.
In 2009, Kyrgyzstan adopted a law that recognized the right to alternative service. However, it became evident that this service actually fell under military control. Those serving were placed under the supervision of military personnel, and some were ordered to make payments in support of military activities. After completion, those who were in alternative service were automatically enrolled in the reserves of the armed forces. As a result, Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to accept the alternative service offered, a stand that prompted several criminal cases against the Witnesses.
The November ruling recognized that the Witnesses had valid reasons for rejecting the alternative service offered to them and were not attempting to evade their civic duty. On the contrary, the Court found that the Witnesses were willing to perform alternative service that is civilian in nature. It is expected that all criminal cases imposed on the Witnesses will be reopened and decided in harmony with the amended law.
Khamit Iskakov, spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kyrgyzstan, states: “In addition to resolving the issue of conscientious objection to military service, this ruling will be helpful in further demonstrating to Kyrgyz officials that Jehovah’s Witnesses are a respected, international religion.”
On JW.ORG (official website of the Watch Tower) the above article appears.
This organization acts as though alternate service is a blessing from Jehovah.
This is the selfsame organization who privately counseled me I COULD NOT ACCEPT alternate service and
remain in Jehovah's favor!
This duplicity, flip-flop and mindset is what caused me to write my story:
I WEPT BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON (A Prisoner of Conscience in a Time of War.) (Available on
Either Jehovah guides this religous group OR He does not. I doubt very much the Supreme Being cannot make up His mind!
These people aren't guided by anything but hubris and blindness.
They are the most confident jackasses on the planet.
More Detail
I WEPT by the RIVERS of BABYLON (A Prisoner of Conscience in a Time of War)By Terry Walstrom