Etude, I addressed the articles from the 1970s on page 1 -- both the anti-oral and the pro-choice one.
Topics not often discussed now
by jdubsnub 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Apognophos! That's is the very one I used.
moved to another thread
Blood in margarine!
Smurfs come off the wallpaper and will fly around the room and taunt your children
Blood in McDonalds French fries
Used items being posessed and demons entering your home
Androgynous dress and hair styles
Turning off your pager during the meeting
Colored panti-hose for women
Free parking
White shirts only for men on the platform
Make sure you renew your Watchtower and Awake! subscription
Wide ties are too trendy for the platform
Let's make our back-calls
Hour talk
To be considerate of those who open their homes for the book-study
The dance called 'the twist' will lead you into immoral behavor
To remember that the High School Gym is now a place of sacred worship
Culottes are not fitting for meetings or service
Do not get in line during the song for your hoggies and McMuffin Eggs
Disco is evil
And my personal favorite: The internet is **BAD**
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
It's been way too long since the Revelation book was revised and studied.
It's nearly a century since the Bible Students fulfilled prophecies by attending boring religious talkings at an Ohio, USA amusement park.
If the GB were a conduit, (premise)
the only thing coming out of them would be what Jehovah put through them. (Conclusion)
What does "examination" or "reflection" or "deep study" have to do with it?
Oh-wait! I know...I know!
What comes out of the GB is INTERPRETATION filtered through human ignorance.
So, let's revise the premise.
Jehovah gives the GB the scriptures (premise)
and the GB interpret the scriptures and produce guesses which are invariably WRONG. (conclusion)
Yep, that's sound more like it.
The Governing Body, the anointed, are no different from any other religious group.
God gives the scriptures (premise)
the religious interpreters add their best guess and what comes out is official Doctrine. (conclusion).
The claim of being the ONLY TRUE religion is like their claim of Truth: nothing but their own self-aggrandizing OPINION.
If something were true--why change it?
If it weren't true--why did you say it was?