Time Line of Bible Attacks ... Extended Version

by processor 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • processor

    From the December 2011 Awake!



  • humbled


    I wish it were a full page ad in every city, town and country paper. I wish it were in Times Square.

    Good job, Processor.

  • L3G

    Ha-ha! Some similarity here is undeniable...

  • Perry

    GB: It is reccommended to study WT publications at your "bible studies".

    Q: But why can't we just study the bible at our bible studies?

    GB: Because many have become apostate by doing that, that's why!

  • kaik

    I would like to add that the decree against Slavonic liturgy was a result of split between Eastern and Western Church in 1054. Slavonic liturgy was not full translantion of Bible, but several books, mostly Psalms and parts of New Testament done by Methodeus and Cyril in 866-880 for Great Moravian ruler. Great Moravia was first Christian slavic state in Central Europe ruled by Mojmir Dynasty (796-907) that became foundation for Polish, Bohemian, and Hungarian kindgoms in early medieval times. Christianity was brought there by Irish missionaries when Charlemange uprooted Kingdom of Avars in Pannonia around 796. The first christian churches like in Modra, CZ and Nitra, SK were built by Catholics, and area was Christianized by 830. The local population had hard time to follow latin liturgy conducted by Frankish priests, and Rastislav had requested translation matching his language. This was fullfilled by Byzantine missionaries Cyril and Methodeus around 863-867 who had work in ecclestiacal area already under administration of Regensburg, Passau, or Salzburg that controlled Central Europe. This work was done before the East-West Schism, and was approved by Pope and Emperor.

    The Slavonic liturgy, while influenced by Greek Christianity, was built upon Roman Christianity and controlled directly by Rome. The writting was not cyrilic as is incorrectly indicated, but glagolic script where Coptic writting served as model. After the death of Methodeus in 885, the Frankish church again assummed control, but this time, the bishoprics was established in Moravia (present Czech Republic probably in Olomouc or Uh. Hradiste back then Veligrad) and Nitra, Slovakia. The tensions between two groups ended with expelling of Methodeus's disciples from Moravia into Macedonia, but many had settled in Hungary and Bohemia where they had own community just outside Prague in monastery Sazava. There was the Slavonic literature preserved. The monks had widespread contacts with Greece, Bulgaria, Dalmatia, Macedonia, and Kievan Rus until 1096. There were probably other monasteries in Bohemia as well, but Sazava was unique because it did not fall under any monastic rule.

    The split between West and East deemed this version of Christianity heretical. Bohemia was part of Holy Roman Empire and Latin liturgy dominated the Bohemian kingdom since its creation in 895. Prague was also one of the centers of the Catholicism which was exported into Poland and Hungary under missionaries of Radim, Anastasius, and Adalbert. Therefore, the was no attack of Papacy on Bible as it mentioned in the article. Papacy, Catholic Church, and the Emperor were against any diversion from unified Catholic liturgy and teaching as was held in Sazava. After the death of Vratislav, Slavonic liturgy was banned and the convent given to Benedictine monks. Because more than 200 years had passes from original Methodeus translation, the Slavonic language was already not understandable by ancestors of the Czechs, Poles, and Slovaks in 1100.

    Therefore, the Awake is not correct, it does not really relfect what was behind the ban. They should have contacted Charles University in Prague or go to Sazava monastery directly to get their fact straight.

  • Crazyguy

    I think you should check your history, because i believe in the early 80's they first forbide meeting together in homes for group bible study. Then not longer after they said you should not study the bible alone without WT litature. Not sure but Im pretty sure.....

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    That 2007 KM was one of the first eye-openers leading to my departure.

  • Phizzy

    This was a wake up call for me too,I actually said , quite loud in the K.Hall "Nobody does my thinking for me !"

    Here is the infamous Question Box from Sept 2007 K.M :

    " Does "the faithful and discreet slave" endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate?-Matt. 24:45, 47.

    No, it does not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do independent research on Bible-related subjects. Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation. Others explore scientific subjects related to the Bible. They have created Web sites and chat rooms for the purpose of exchanging and debating their views. They have also held conferences and produced publications to present their findings and to supplement what is provided at our Christian meetings and through our literature.

    Throughout the earth, Jehovah's people are receiving ample spiritual instruction and encouragement at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions, as well as through the publications of Jehovah's organization. Under the guidance of his holy spirit and on the basis of his Word of truth, Jehovah provides what is needed so that all of God's people may be "fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought" and remain "stabilized in the faith." (1 Cor. 1:10; Col. 2:6, 7) Surely we are grateful for Jehovah's spiritual provisions in these last days. Thus, "the faithful and discreet slave" does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites that are not produced or organized under its oversight.-Matt. 24:45-47.

    It is commendable for individuals to want to use their thinking ability in support of the good news. However, no personal pursuit should detract from what Jesus Christ is accomplishing through his congregation on earth today. In the first century, the apostle Paul warned about getting involved in exhausting, time-consuming subjects, such as "genealogies, which end up in nothing, but which furnish questions for research rather than a dispensing of anything by God in connection with faith." (1 Tim. 1:3-7) All Christians should strive to "shun foolish questionings and genealogies and strife and fights over the Law, for they are unprofitable and futile."-Titus 3:9.

    For those who wish to do extra Bible study and research, we recommend that they explore Insight on the Scriptures, "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial," and our other publications, such as those that discuss the prophecies found in the Bible books of Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation. These provide abundant material for Bible study and meditation, whereby we can be "filled with the accurate knowledge of [God's] will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, in order to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him as [we] go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God."-Col. 1:9, 10.

    Kingdom Ministry 9/07 p. 3 Question Box

  • Perry

    Good For You Phizzy!!!

    "For those who wish to do extra Bible study and research, we recommend that they explore Insight on the Scriptures, "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial," and our other publications, such as those that discuss the prophecies found in the Bible books of Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation."

    And I reccommend thay they ponder the scripture 2 Timothy 3: 16 where it says that the bible can make me "complete", "perfect" lacking nothing", "completely equipped".

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

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