An aversion to beards, no less! Didn't her grandfather, George V, have one?
What does Elizabeth II have in common with the GB?
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas 19 Replies latest social humour
And she speaks with the royal 'we', just like the GB.
She / they produce no benefit to human society, yet it costs hundreds of millions annually to maintain the system they are the figureheads of?
She gives an annual address on the progress of her dominion.
She .. produce no benefit to human society
I disagree. I believe the monarchy is valuable to British society.
What a great painting of the young Stephen Fry...
as for the queen and the GB, they both have lived off state handouts for far too long ;)
I believe the monarchy is valuable to British society.
Not to derail the thread, but may I ask why those illegitimate figureheads are of any use to a democratic society?
She is head of the hive, like the gb is. Queens are for bugs.
Pete Zahut
The Queen is the figurehead of an empire known as G.B.
The G.B. are figureheads of an empire near Queens.
I guess she's a focus for patriotism and part of the national identity.