Exactly guys, acual time spent in ministry TALKING to another human being is a smal percentage of those recorded hours.
Assuming an hour a week for each bible study reported plus say an hour a month actually talking to people on the doors, this does not add up to much person to person preaching. Knocking on an empty door is just a sad waste of time, the ridiculously high number of hours reported is just a sad indictment of how much time is wasted for this publishing company by its followers, whatever activity they are counting.
I must admit, visiting the sick and elderly JW's was a worthy activity, though with heindsight I should have been busy advancing my life too, be it education or a career. But I did enjoy catching up and checking up on them. It is also why I enjoy my job now.
But yes, those hours reported are PURE FABRICATION of the statistics, real preaching time is probabl less than 10% of that figure.