The phote shows 3 JWs standing passively by the booth writing easy hours.
The JW cart/booth nonsense
by Gypsy Sam 24 Replies latest jw friends
It was also my observation that the Witnesses are piss-poor bible students. A real bible scholar could wipe the floors with them. Gone are the days when you might have had passably knowledgeable JWs who could have an intelligent conversation at a doorstep and knew their scriptures. No more.
They will just go along with the changed teachings like there was nothing wrong and are not eager to get into conversation. I came to the conclusion that not only do JWs not necessarily know or understand what is currently taught by their religion, they do not care either. They have an attitude that they are on the right team so it doesn't matter what they believe anyway. This is what it has come to.
By the way, those carts make the religion look very commercial, which is how it deserves to look.
Are these idiots not embarrased having to stand all day by a cart full of WT literature while people walking by probably think they're all Wacked?
Do they not see the stupidity of it all? How much of a brainwashed Dummy to they have to be?
Zordino, I take it you won't be volunteering to man the cart in the near future?
Are these idiots not embarrased having to stand all day by a cart full of WT literature while people walking by probably think they're all Wacked?
Not if they can count easy time for doing it....