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by LogCon 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LogCon

    " No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the light."

    Now that the 8 most important men on earth, the Governing Body, have been revealed as the Faithful and Discreet Slave, to whom all the masters

    belongings have been given, now that the most important news of the the 21st century has been brought to light, it is time for the world to be informed.

    Therefore, 2014 will become the year in which all world leaders will be informed that to survive, and to help the people of their respective nations to survive,

    they must come to the Governing Body.

    Stay tuned.

  • EndofMysteries

    That's old light from summer of 2013, sometime around winter of 2013 it was revealed or perhaps it's this month, but it's revealed that all the masters belongings are not given until after the great tribulation. So technically w/ their new light there, perhaps it's in the air who the faithful slave is.

  • factfinder

    Thats what the GB wants, to be known and honored by the world leaders and obeyed and worshipped by all.

  • LogCon

    To Factfinder:

    This year they get what they want!

  • LogCon


    If you think, for one minute, that the Governing Body does not think they have been given all the Masters belongings, you definitely DO NOT know what is going through their minds.

  • EdenOne

    Although they consider that they weren't given the Master's belongings yet, they sure feel entitled to receive them and to lord over them already.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Yup - Every living Witness on planet earth had for decades been taught - until the Annual Meeting of 2012 - ALL of the Master's possessions had been given to ALL of the anointed on earth.

    However, in October 2012 "new lights" were revealed to the sheeple - All of the possessions were NOT handed to ALL of the anointed; only SOME possessions were handed to SOME anointed - 8 to be precise!

  • Dis-Member

    Wait a sec... over 6,000 years there have been many completely faithful and loyal servants and 'friends' of God on planet earth.. from Able down to the 12 faithful apostles hand chosen by Jesus himself and a million in between and since.

    Yet the entire known and unknown universe and all it's contents are to be given to 8 middle class white suited guys from Brooklyn? Did I get that right?

    Please stop the train I want to get off..

  • eyeuse2badub

    It always struck me as odd that the first century 'governing body' appears in print in lower case letters but the modern day 'Governing Body' in upper case letters. Is that because the modern day 'Governing Body' is a proper noun due to the fact that they appointed themselves and the first century 'governing body' is a common noun due to the fact that they were appointed by Holy Spirit?

    Just asking!


  • sir82

    8 middle class white suited guys from Brooklyn?

    You forgot the token German, the token Australian, and the token black.

    There's a joke in there somewhere.....

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