The dangers of atheism

by konceptual99 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    Religious intolerance to a level only dreamed of by the GB...

  • besty
  • cantleave

    So much more still to do. So much ignorance to eliminate.

  • KateWild

    I am sorry K99, yes this is from CH4, but I have a problem believing in New Zealand there carries a custodial sentence for blasphemy. This has got to be false I need to see a court report to back this up. Who went to prison in New Zealand, when did they go, what exactly did they say and who did they say it to.

    Sounds to far fetched for me K99 sorry. I can believe in any Muslim countries you will be shot for not being a Muslim, but New Zealand eh? Kate xx

  • steve2

    I agree Kate.No one in New Zealand has been charged, let alone convicted and sentenced to prison for blasphemy - at least not in the 20th and 21st centuries.

  • Xanthippe

    I don't know about New Zealand and blasphemy but Helen Duncan was sent to a UK prison in 1944 convicted under the Witchcraft Act.

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.

    It's not only dangerous for atheists but can be very lonely in the end. Everyones free choice of course but eye think this eye will pass on atheism.....

  • besty

    come on people - this stuff is easy to find - stop being lazy

  • konceptual99

    I didn't really post the link to discuss NZ's antiquated law. We have plenty of old laws on the books in the UK to have a big discussion about silly and outdated statues.

    The point of the post is really to highlight the fact that in several countries you have a realistic chance of being killed or recieved a heavy prison sentance for apostacy or blasphemy. These are all Islamic countries. Whatever the arguments about if the Koran really supports this or not it is shocking that this situation can affect so many people around the world.

    We all know the pain and sufferring caused by the DF policy along with the demonisation of so called "apostates" from the WTS and it does not take much of a leap of imagination to see that the same mentality that endorses such treatment of people in the "free" world can be exagerated to the level where expressing a different view becomes a capital offence.

  • steve2

    Sorry Besty - I'll stop being lazy when my work schedule allows Regarding that archaic and dusty law, when it was used Iin New Zealand- I mean come on one prosecution last century! - it was not used against an athiest! Indeed, when people speak of blasphemy, it has usually been one person or persons showing perceived contempt for an established religion's beliefs.

    New Zealand is perhaps one of the few Western countries where the media do notshy away from discussion of the political disadvantages of athiesm.

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