It is funny when these debates come up. Most atheists won't answer this post because it is like talking to a wall. With all of the evidence I can see how some would believe in evolution. If all a creationist is using is the bible to prove creationism then they are seriously ignorant. There is, however, a scientist who has a theory that mankind as we know it has been around since the begining and we just grew up alongside other humanoids. He was kicked off of the university speaking circuit by his fellow scientists who basically called it heresy. Which would go back to my science has become a religion idea.
The fact is...evolution does happen. This cannot be denied no matter how stupid you want to look in front of other people. Do I believe we came from Primates? No. Evolution doesn't just have a missing link they have about 500ft. of chain missing. I guess I'd have to go with the, "We were created by aliens as a genetic experiment." It's more fun ;)
Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.