My uncle recently died and apparently he never threw anything away. Among many things he held onto was a letter that my brother wrote to my uncle in 1978 from Bethel. My brother was in the same hall as Howard Zenke (a real heavy at Bethel) and Nathan rode to all the meetings with Howard and Beana. This letter that we found last week said ..."some talk by Howard Zenke is that things might go on into the 1980s or beyond. The scripture this generation will not pass away was just someone's private interpratation. Please. Don't tell anyone"
A letter from my brother Nathan to my uncle in 1978 when Nathan was at Bethel
by Magwitch 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
But as usual the WTS. took that scripture from the bible out of context and used it as a marketing ploy to
attract attention to their organization and its literature.
If you want inspired bullshit from a religious publishing house, look no further than the WTS/JWS.
The alcoholic womanizing lawyer ( J Rutherford ) who started the JWS was a really corrupt conniving
bastard to say the least.
As was brought out by Raymond Franz some on the governing body didn't believe it either. Or why would they bring it before the body to change it to when Sputnik went into outer space. Sometimes the anger overtakes me. How these men can then print the May 15th 1984 Watchtower. My mother wont talk to me because of these lying men. It reminds me of a story I heard about Heavens Gate cult. They bought a telescope from a local shop. Not just any telescope but a $3,645 computerized Telescope. When they took it back to the compound and looked for the spaceship in Hale bopp comet tail guess what it wasn't there. The story goes they then returned the telescope and asked for their money back. The reason given by the cult members was it is defective. Sometimes no matter what evidence is given the power to want to believe is more powerful than any evidence in the world. Sadly it cost them their lives also as sad it has cost me my family. Let us never give up in bringing down this house of evil.
If the Watchtower says it then it must be true. It is shocking that some of theGB don't even believe their own writing.
...and very telling that they are afraid to say what they actually do believe.
Cold Steel
TruJW: It reminds me of a story I heard about Heavens Gate cult. They bought a telescope from a local shop. Not just any telescope but a $3,645 computerized Telescope. When they took it back to the compound and looked for the spaceship in Hale bopp comet tail guess what it wasn't there. The story goes they then returned the telescope and asked for their money back. The reason given by the cult members was it is defective.
The telescope may have been defective, but the cocktails worked like a charm.
After Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, the franchise turned a bit darker with the introduction of Stargate Universe. The storyline was that a group of people, to escape an alien attack, escaped through a stargate to a destination they really had never had the means or resources to check out. When they arrived on the other side of the wormhole, they found themselves on a giant, and unoccupied, starship that had been launched by an ancient race ten thousand years earlier. They knew it was a one-way trip, but with everything coming down around them and an assured destruction facing them, they had little choice.
The starship needed a lot of work, but the new crew were able to find ways to survive. But I thought about Heaven's Gate cult members wanting to commit suicide so they could end up a ship occupied by who knows who headed for who knows where. It's amazing how many people will give up what they have for what they don't know. Another example of this was that great Twilight Zone episode entitled "To Serve Man." People were lining up by the hundreds to board a space ship to visit a world where they end up on an extraterrestrial menu!
By the way, does the WTS have a position on UFOs and extraterrestrial life?
FatFreek 2005
Ah, yes -- 1984 -- and that shocking Watchtower cover, bringing so many expectations nearly 30 years ago. Len Miller
Some of them did not believe what they taught but as I was told, too many peoples careers, money etc were tied up in the ORG. So to keep the business going they just kept reinterpreting the scriptures. So many of the new jws don't know a thing about the wts before the late 80-90's and won't read any of the older literature b/c they were told " the apostates are using it"
I once told someone (1987) that it was too bad in 1967 I could not time travel to 87 so I would have the current light. He he
I remember this WT. I think my parents still have it. All these mofos are dead, generation that certainly past away. This WT should be given any JW that comes to anyone door.
Seems to me back in the late 1980s early 1990s they were trying to tell people the generation of 1914 would include any who were of an age of understanding in 1914 and concluded perhaps if you were 10 years of age you could understand the bible teachings. Even if you agreed with that thinking those people would be 110 years old this year. I don't know any 110 year olds.
I don't have any reference material on this as I have purged my library of it, but maybe someone can dig some up.