Think about it. Living in a big boat for 40 days and 40 nights cleaning up after animals. How does a person get any sleep? I could never do it. The more I think about it the crazier it gets.
OMFG Dinosaurs and Noah
by konceptual99 50 Replies latest jw friends
I used to work for a guy that raised show horses. There were 7 stalls for some of the more special horses. It took about 2 hours a day to feed, water and clean the stalls. Those horses were poop factories. Just imagine all kinds of birds pooping all over the place too. Perhaps God stopped up the sphincters of the animals? Maybe they did not eat at all? Perhaps the flood is just a re-telling of earlier Sumerian stories...
DD: Perhaps God stopped up the sphincters of the animals?
Hey, if he can put 8 of them on the Governing Body, it's believable he could stop them up for a year on the Ark....
I tend to go with the retelling of the Sumerian story with a bit of hyperbole mixed in. Hey, who doesn't like a good story? And I agree, if you just use land for 'erets' instead of earth it makes the local flood thing more likely. Not that the Sumerian myth is any more believable. But still, an interesting story. The gods were not happy with the noisy humans, so they decided to destroy them. But one of them intervened and gave the Sumerian Noah advance warning. Really interesting to read the Sumerian account.
Of course the WT would have you believe that they are both based on an earlier original account but the Hebrew version is the true version. How can there be an earlier common account if the Sumerian version was produced several centuries before the flood occured (according to the WT in 2370 BCE)?
sadly most mainstreamers still believe in the young earth , the WT changed it a long time ago but you can find the picture of dinos in the 70s bible maps . Latest theroy is the meteor wiped out the dinos about 65 million years ago
Yes, the Insight article on Flood acknowledges that "variation" caused all the species we see today. I
How ridiculous. Variation is something that happens within a specie for example like humans. There are variations in humans.
Now does variation cause all the species we see today? Well...yes. But those same genetic changes over a long period of time which cause a new specie are no longer called variation. It's evolution.
the Society has drawn a line between microevolution and macroevolution and indicated that microevolution is acceptable, since it simply represents animals adapting to their environment, doing so in ways that God built into their existing genes.
Wow. Yes those genetic adaptations when observed in a small time frame are less significant. We could qualify them as microevolution. But when you observe them in a large time frame are more significant so they are called macro evolution. It's the same stuff. The only difference is the time frame used to observe the changes.
Yes, it's true. It all boils down to this key difference: the Society believes that "kinds" are immutable, i.e., there is a barrier beyond which a species cannot pass, the "kind barrier", if you will. Based on the Society's suggestion, a "kind" would be defined as something bigger than a species, maybe bigger than a genus, but perhaps smaller than a family. The only part they state explicitly is that it's bigger than a species, so that they can collapse the animal kingdom to a sufficiently small number of kinds that they can fit on the ark.
paladin wote:
Think about it. Living in a big boat for 40 days and 40 nights cleaning up after animals. How does a person get any sleep? I could never do it. The more I think about it the crazier it gets.
It was actually over a year. He went in on the 17th day of the second month and god called him out after the 27th day of the following second month.
The map in the cover of the green NWT used to have dinosaurs on it. I used to like looking at that when I was a kid.
Black Man