Does anyone know the curent understanding on Chess for JWs?

by BU2B 36 Replies latest jw friends



    ...............................The Current WBT$ Understanding for Chess is..


    The Current WBT$ Understanding for Chess............Oh Thats "Real Funny" Genius!..

    .......May Not Be The Same Tomorrow.................Who Do You Think You Are,Einstien?..


    ..........................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Oubliette

    If you could have fun doing it and the GB can't, then it's forbidden. Just like oral sex.

    Hey, if the GB aren't getting any, why should you? You don't think you're better than them, do you?

  • problemaddict

    Playing chess was tantamount to "learning war" and there was a QFR about it. Since then, nothing. Most JW's play it without a problem. I suppose if it bothered someones conscience they would ask you to stop.

    Playing will not get you removed or keep you from a priviledge of service. Too minor for them to deal with now. Bigger fish to fry and all that.


    " I don't always kill other people, but when I do, it's immediately after a chess match."


  • Splash


    NO - g73 3/22 p. 14 Chess—What Kind of Game Is It?

    YES - g79 1/22 p. 10 Playing Indoor Games

    NO - g94 1/22 p. 29 Watching the World

    YES - g96 9/22 p. 22 How Can I Have a Good Time?

  • NewYork44M

    As all the smart people leave and migrate to this board, I don't believe the remaining members have sufficient I.Q. to play chess. So, it is a non-issue. Which is why it is no longer a "needs of the congregation" talk.

    But I do feel sorry for the young ones who are stuck. They might enjoy a nice game of chess.

  • millie210

    All my kids play chess....I should have known then that we didnt fit in!

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    If you were to bring this ridiculousness up to a younger JW, they would laugh or immediately call your information suspect.

  • snare&racket

    I played in a chess tournament at school and we set one up amongst the local JW's. Both myself and the guy that organsied them have left now. At one time it was a real fad. I hate the start of a chess game, I get so bored until about 2/3rds in. But literally not caring about the first 1/3rd of the game at all, doth not a good chess player maketh!

    I played my brainy muslim pall recently and beat him, hoorah for the anglo-saxons, down with the moorish! First time I have played in years. Apparantly, I did not best him, he failed himself and I took advantage. Ha ha ha.

    But yes, tis a violent activity, moving wooden pieces around a wooden board. One instead should pick up a bible and read that, there is no violence in the bible at all......

  • Chaserious

    I played chess with family members and other JWs growing up and never heard anyone even question whether there was anything wrong with it

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