At a circuit assembly they said if you are asked to jump you should ask "how high?" Everyone clapped enthusiastically, of course.
Did You Ever Hear An Elder or Bethelite's Comments That Made You Question ??
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Must be at a recent assembly...can you remember who gave that talk? Just curious because I'm from Mtl.
Would it be worse to have your child missing and his face on the side of a milk carton or to lose him spiritually and he leave the truth? I stopped listening after he asked that question.
NVR2L8 I don't remember the name of that brother. besides, being in a fade out mode, I must remain a little vague. :)
I heard too many.
One thing that really upset me. An older elder made a request for people to come to help clean the hall on the next Saturday. He said that the same one or two people were showing up each week and really, it wasn't fair to them to clean the hall every Saturday with out help. After the meeting, his wife walked up the aisle to meet him. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder and said to her, in a very irritated tone, "These people. These people who don't show up to clean the Kingdom Hall are going to be in for a terrible shock when it comes time for Armageddon. They think they're going to survive...." I went home very depressed at the thought that Jehovah could be that cold blooded towards his servants. That just ended up on my list of things that made me go hmmm, which by then had become a folder. You get enough of those things on your list and you end up vulnerable to the truth about the truth.
The Revelation/Climax book and it's application of so many of the symbols to the governing body or the organization seemed pretty out there to me. I remember thinking, "That sounds contrived. How do they know that? They admit they are not inspired of God."
I just remembered being at circuit assembly in Midland, Texas. One of the speakers said that married couples should not hug, kiss or have their arms around each other in public. He said that they could excite single JWs and teenagers and be a damaging example. Just then you saw many husbands' arms come off the backs of the seats of their wives. At the break, there were angry and crying sisters in the bathroom. It was the buzz of every conversation, even on the ride home in our group. The next day, that brother had to go before us and not only make a retraction, but apologize to all of us. When something like that happens, you see how much opinion really governs the behavior of the JWs.
CO: "If it is not in harmony with divine teaching it is teaching of demons".
Elderette: "It is better to be wrong with the society, than right on your own".
Connecting the dots (CO + Elderette): "It is better to eat at the table of demons with the society, than at God's table on your own."
One uneducated orthodox control-freak COBE was annoyed that the elders had ignored his instructions to take some refuse drums to the tip/dump that he sarcastically berated them from the platform saying that he had seen two angels do the job.
The spirit with which this was done was so offensive, vitriolic and arrogant that I (as one of the R&F) came within an inch of physically removing him from the platform and banning him from returning.
While I assume everyone was gobsmacked, it seems no one ever had the courage to challenge his characteristically outrageous behaviour.
Fernando, such men suck.
Mad Sweeney
When a CO and the PO of the congregation told me they were the "stars in Christ's right hand" as spoken of in Revelation, I knew that I couldn't trust anything any Borg rep said ever again. It was the kick in the ass I needed to research online and get out of there.