This site has been going for 13 years. Did you ever at one point fear armageddon?

by ILoveTTATT 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    I am just wondering about all of you who have been on this site for long. In all of the events that have happened since 2000 (for example, September 11th), have you at any point, even you die-hard apostates, felt like "oooh sh!t... I should go back to the KH"... just to have the world survive the latest disaster?

    What was the worst event for you, in terms of saying... "Did I mess up??? Did I do the right thing coming out of the JW's?"... Even for a couple of days?

    How did you overcome that feeling, and now, reviewing the history of mankind, do you feel immune to those feelings now?

  • jgnat

    My church preaches Armageddon. It was when I was living in a charming small town with beautiful people, and a congregation member came up to me and told me that the world is deep in the grip of Satan, there were witches in town, and she hoped this world did not last much longer.

    I decided right then that belief in a declining, evil world blinds people to the beauty and kindness surrounding them. Belief in Armageddon stops people from dreaming and planning for a positive retirement. They are damaging teachings. I never wanted to be like this woman.

    BTW, I found out one of my co-workers in this small town was indeed Wicca, and her beliefs and practices fascinated me. She was an intelligent and compassionate co-worker, and a great mom.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Not once. When you realize that the WT doctrine is based on the ramblings of fanatics you fear nothing they say any longer. Can I get an "Amen"?

  • ILoveTTATT

    That's great! I think I will have problems (like I did with December 21st, 2012) in 2014. Granted, I have OCD, which is defined by doubts and anxieties...

  • ammo

    If and when I very rarely do have doubts.. I come here, I go to JW FACTS, I read, it soon dispells any gaslit fears that may surface.

    We can hear things that trigger once held deeply rooted beliefs, but as soon as you start reading about all the false declarations of their precious truth and match it up with what you read on these 2 site's alone well...... They Got Nothing!!

    BTW, thanks JWN and JWFACTS!

  • ILoveTTATT

    JWN and jwfacts are good ammo to dispel those fears, ammo!

  • Simon

    Never. Not that I'm not concerned with world events (esp when cowboy Bush was in charge) but I've never thought some mythical being was going to be involved in anything. Heck, there is more evidence that Thor will be swinging his hammer than Jah.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I haven't worried about the big A since the very early 90s. Even then, I felt like Jehovah didn't deserve to be served, so the big A was worth freedom and happiness. By the time I found JWD, I knew the WTBTS was false in its claim to be God's org.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Not that I'm not concerned with world events (esp when cowboy Bush was in charge)...

    Simon, are you saying you have a higher confidence level now in US leadership?

    Seems to me there are just as many (or more) of those "USA is going to collapse" prophets now as there were 6-10 years ago.


  • Simon

    Simon, are you saying you have a higher confidence level now in US leadership?

    To be honest, no. Bush was obviously dumb and manipulated / deceitful but I don't believe other presidents are fundamentally or significantly less / more so. The current spying scandals and drone-strike policies confirm that. It's really the US political structure and machinery that is suspect, just like so many other countries (but they tend to express things less with military force).

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