Well todays the day...im going to ask about why the elder wants to meet aith me, just him or two? My wife and i or just me? What is this about? If this is simply to encourage us then ill just tell him we are great and we just had famiky issues and were sick And ill let him know if we need anything.
Sheparding Call
by DS211 32 Replies latest jw friends
sounds like a good plan. Let us know how it goes!
The WTS has been using "non-witnesses" in their writings when referrng to "worldly" people almost 95% of the time. When quoting jws, the term "worldly" is assigned to non-jws. But the rank and file jw stilll uses it in their daily speech.
*** w12 12/15 p. 23 par. 18 Maintaining Our Position as “Temporary Residents” ***
Such brotherly love, which is so rare in today’s selfish society, comes at times as a surprise to non-Witnesses.
*** w12 12/15 Maintaining Our Position as “Temporary Residents” ***
18. (a) Why is it natural for us to love the whole association of brothers? (b) What have some non-Witnesses noted?
*** w11 6/15 p. 31 “Make Your Way Successful”—How? ***
Janusz, who lives in Eastern Europe, became engrossed in his gardening business. He recalls: “Worldly people admired me because I was full of initiative and was able to complete each assigned task.
*** w11 6/15 p. 32 “Make Your Way Successful”—How? ***
“That shook me up,” says Wiktor. “I realized that I had gone too far. Soon, I broke off association with worldly friends at the club and sought out friends in the congregation.”
*** w10 7/1 p. 25 Why Did Jesus Not Get Involved in Politics? ***
They are involved in disaster relief around the world, rendering aid to Witnesses and non-Witnesses. In a two-year period following a recent spate of hurricanes that struck the United States, Witness volunteers rebuilt over 90 Kingdom Halls and 5,500 homes
*** w10 8/15 p. 19 An Open Invitation! ***
The enjoyment I got from association with other Christians during the trip was something I never experienced with my non-Witness friends. The desire to live the Christian way of life grew in me, and I decided to ask for a Bible study.” Masahiko now serves as a full-time minister in his congregation.
A Witness from France moved to Moscow to work. There she lost contact with Jehovah’s people and became spiritually weak. She became involved in wrongdoing and eventually married a non-Witness
*** w10 9/1 p. 27 Trust in Jehovah—He Will Really Help You ***
In the 1930’s, the Witnesses also produced phonographs and records at their Brooklyn factory. We used them in our ministry and reported how many times we played Bible talks to non-Witnesses and how many people listened to them.