Why do so many exJWs promote Watchtower lies and cover-ups?

by Fernando 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nonjwspouse

    To the Jews, the Pharisees , Jesus was an apostate. But you have a point because he did not label himself as such. I see your point that those who accept the label are in a way validating the definition. Accepting the label is in a way accepting it's power.

    I also see how people who accept the label given to them and live to make it a different definition, not applicable to the negative one.

    Take a bad label and embrace it so the power of the bad is not so strong. Disabling the power. Redefining it in how they live thier lives. To contradict the JW definition.

    This is what I see from many who proudly accept the label.

  • Oubliette

    Phizzy: The religion we left no longer exists.

    True dat. The GB are the apostates!

  • Shador

    what's wrong with being an apostate? sounds cool to me. like renegade. with a motorbike, long hair and sunglasses.



    Also, I like the term, because it puts me in mind of Julian the Apostate, who tried his damnedest to stop those upstart Christians and bring back the Old Ways.

  • John_Mann

    Atheist is a label from the theists too; capitalist is a label from the comunists; Pagan from the christians; etc...

    Almost every antagonic label comes from the side that uses propaganda.

    Does your side label the opponents?

  • Phizzy

    As someone who leads an evidenced based life, where I will only accept something as true if sufficient proof can be offered, I don't find I really have "opponents".

    I may come across some deluded believers, like the Street Preacher I chatted to the other week, but we were not opponents. I just would not buy her brand of crazy. She thought that was fair enough.

    It is only fanatics in any camp who feel the need to throw out epithets and insults, and to combine these in to a Label.

  • bigmac

    i resigned from the cult in the early 70's.

    in '81 i had an affaire with a married sister. she was d/f'd--but it was announced ( so i'm told ) that i couldnt be d/f'd--because i had already resigned. so i was labeled an apostate--and the dear bruvvers were told to have nothing to do with me.

    i openly admit i was an adulterer--ive heard it called many names--but not apostacy. we live and learn.

  • LostGeneration

    I throw the term around here as a badge of honor, something that unites us as those strong enough to break free from the chains of the WT.

    Its probably not the best thing to embrace if there are newbies and lurkers reading. Its hard to remember all the eyes that are here taking it all in and that by embracing the term they may run back to the WT.

    In dealings with my JW family, I do not allow the term to be applied to me as the WT wishes. I do none of the things the WT says as far as apostate behavior.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Why did gays adopt the term "gay" and even now many argue for "queer?" I came of age in the 1960s1970s. There is street theatre. I find the word apostate funny precisely b/c it is not a common American term. You can hoot and laugh and say, "The WT considers me apostate. Do I make the grade" and make devil faces. You need some humor. Why do African-Americans call each other the "N-word."

    Using the term apostate is melodramatic on the part of the WT. The very usage reveals much about the Witness. This is not Tudor time. It is an old word. I feel as though I am Galileo before the Vatican. Salem Witch trials.

  • Ucantnome

    According to the elders i'm not an apostate, i asked them.

    I don't consider myself an apostate it has such a negative connotation i think, besides i still have faith in Jesus Christ.

    I was labeled an apostate a couple of times over the years as a witness but it didn't seem to stick.

  • Fernando

    "I see your point that those who accept the label are in a way validating the definition."

    That is indeed what I was trying to say.

    I think I am also beginning to understand why some might still choose to accept and embrace the label (although I could never do the same).

    Thank you nonjwspouse.

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