Recently converted JW 15 yr old girl runs away from home...(news)

by EndofMysteries 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • EndofMysteries

    A Chilliwack, B.C., family is furious with the RCMP for failing to return their 15-year-old daughter after police found the runaway teen at a downtown Vancouver hotel.

    Jeff Wier and Candis McCarville-Wier are the legal guardians for Cassidy McCarville; Candis is also her biological mother. The teen became a Jehovah’s Witness two years ago but her parents are not followers, and that has been a point of strife between Cassidy and her parents.

    Candis says her daughter has taken the religion too far — preaching door to door instead of doing her school work. When she tried to ground Cassidy on Tuesday night, preventing her from going to a Jehovah’s Witness meeting, the teen ran away from home.

    Police were called and found Cassidy at the Vancouver hotel early Wednesday morning with friends from church.

    “Cassidy told them she just wasn’t happy — ‘cause all 15-year-olds who are grounded are happy — and the cops left her with this woman, and my daughter is still not home,” said a visibly upset Candis.

    The RCMP said they had no authority to seize the 15-year-old and return her to her parents because she was not in any danger and had not committed any crime.

    'We have no anger towards Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves, but Cassidy's involvement with them has been detrimental to her.' - Jeff Wier

    "I think probably the police are looking at this and saying it's futile," said family law expert Tracey Jackson. "'I can go find your child, bring the child home, and the child will just run away again. And I'm not going to do that 100 times — I have other things to do.'"

    On Thursday night, Cassidy texted her parents, saying she had hopped a bus to the Okanagan and is now staying with a cousin.

    In a telephone conversation with CBC News, Cassidy said she didn't run away — she was forced by her parents to choose between living under their roof and her Jehovah's Witness activities.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not supposed to associate with non-witnesses, but an elder told CBC News that they would never ask a child to leave their parents.

    The family says they just want their daughter to come home, and get counselling.

    “We have no anger towards Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves, but Cassidy's involvement with them has been detrimental to her,” Jeff said.

  • AnneB

    They're better off letting her go, IMO. The longer they fight, the stronger she gets. Let her leave now and find out how hard life can be while she still has time to come back and straighten out her life. JW love-bombing doesn't last forever; the minute she acts like a "normal" teen she'll be DF'd.

    Not being hard-hearted...been through it. The system is on the teen's side (right to choose). The parents will drain themselves trying to get her home and will be afraid to set any limitations on her for fear of the consequences.

    "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't it never was." I used to hate that saying...until I learned how true it is.


  • ABibleStudent

    I hope that someone will contact Jeff Wier and Candis McCarville-Wier and let them know about Steve Hassan and It is too bad that a non-JW is victimized by the WTBTS's BITE control.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • EndofMysteries

    That's a good idea, they should be directed here as well. THey can maybe fill in their daughter on what she doesn't know.

    She was brought in by lies and deceptions, only following Christ and bible and no men, etc, then slowly the WT's will make her follow the GB, etc. Maybe can be woken up by those things.



    ..................................The local JW`s have a New Cause..

    ....................They`re going to Save Her from her NonJW Parents..

    ...............................................They`ll baptise her..


    Then DisFellowship and Toss Her Out............ When She Acts Like a TeenAger..

    ...................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • rebel8

    It's surprising a 15-yr-old joined up w/o her parents forcing her. Seems unusual.

    In pio school they said we always had to have parents' permission because the bible says parents have responsibility for spiritual headship over a child and are bloodguilty if they make the wrong choice.

    Does anyone know who this cousin is? Is it a jw? And why are they interfering?

    Damn. I was in the opposite situation at that age, asking my worldly relatives if I could live with them so I didn't have to be jw. And they said no.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I converted in my teens and was always off with my new 'friends'. That and the whole being a jw thing and pissing on family celebrations like Xmas created a lot of tension between me and my family. With everyone saying my family were evil and being used by Satan to get me, combined with a big dose of teenage rebelion, I too wanted to run away at times. I actually did once, but my mother talked me into coming back. I understand why this girl has done what she has done. It doesn't make it right though. It will be many many years before she wakes up, if she ever does.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • jgnat

    My daughter was best friends with a JW recruit in high school, about the same age. I understand it. It's teenage rebellion in reverse. Children will strike out on their own, building their own identity at times in opposition to their parent's excesses. What the poor kid doesn't know is that this is a chinese finger trap and she will not be as free to leave as she will to join.

    My daughter threw all sorts of scriptures at her friend but it was not until she invited her to her church youth group that the girl woke up. In front of my pop-eyed daughter, this girl started exchanging cell numbers with all her friends!

    The girl was lost, needed friends and direction, and the Witnesses nearly got her!

  • garyneal

    Funny, I remember being sucked into my church because I wanted to be a good person and believed church going people were of a higher calibre than regular people. Especially my family since they use to have drinking parties when I was little and I wanted to 'rise above' that so to say. My parents were cool with my church going activities and a good thing too.

    We had a good relationship and I was able to trust them, even when they encouraged me to leave the church because I never felt I was measuring up for God. Many similarities I saw between the witnesses and the IFBs that I began feeling those same bad feelings when I began attending the meetings with my wife. Now I know why, they're both cults.

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