Daisy Duke: Is she the pregnant virgin?
Billy's Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-19-2014 WT Study (7 Shepherds, 8 Dukes)
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 74 Replies latest watchtower bible
yadda yadda 2
This scrirpture is the reason why the GB will continue to have 8 members IMO. As was previously mentioned, this is yet another power grab the elite eight.
That's probably the only reason they published this article. They know that many JW's will wonder if the 8 members of the GB are the modern antitype of the ancient "8 dukes".
Billy: WT isn't the type of charity that has their books open for public review and audit to verify how the money is collected and spent.
It always bothered me that every congregation has to provide a monthly, public accounting to the congregation, but the branches and the corporate headquarters never does, as in NEVER does!
Newly Enlightened
Hey Billy, I PM'd you with a question....
Open mind
Darn! Sister Magwitch beat me to my "comment".
It is such a blessing to Jehovah's people that they have the Slave Class here to tell them that "8 is one more than 7".
When I read that I just about spit out my coffee. I was reminded of a Circuit Assembly where they reminded everyone in attendance how important it is to wash your hands after going to the bathroom.
Really? Thanks Watchtower! I don't think I could get my shoes tied in the morning without your spirit-directed guidance.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Newly Enlightened, The "grill incident" was one where it was so blatant in demonstrating the attitude of some of the COs. They can easily become greedy, abusive dictators.
There were a lot of times in Bethel where I would sense that something wasn't quite right, but you can't go poking around and asking questions. I know for certain that there was a lot of careless waste. Was there fraud? Maybe yes, maybe no, but with their policy of keeping the books hidden away from public review, it creates an environment that invites corruption.
"Oh, but that could never happen in "God's Organization", right? Pfft. Ever hear about the guy called Judas Iscariot that was stealing money right under the nose of Jesus?
label licker
Funny how the gb doesn't want to have their names associated with the words false prophets but after reading some of the articles that Blondie dug up, it`s like the gb has had this in the makings for a while. So they now have mastered the art of how to make their own prophesies about themselves come true without being known as prophets. Masters of deception for sure is what they are.
I hope they are not counting the millions of pounds in paedophile gag payouts as charitable acts.....
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Magwitch & OM: "The number eight (one more than seven) sometimes represents an abundance."
Well, at least the first part of that footnote counts as one accurate statement to be found in this article. New Light: "Research Reveals that Eight is One More than Seven!"
But 8 represents an abundance only "sometimes". Wait, what? When does 8 ever represent an abundance? 8 beans or 8 grains of rice is not an abundance. 8 wives might seem like a lot, but if they intended to represent an abundance, why didn't they go the Solomon route and exaggerate it to 700 dukes and 300 shepherds?
My comments, having just finished studying for this for my meeting later today:
Par 3:
Matt 1:23 was cited, but the end of the paragraph made an odd, and in my opinion, unnecessary comment: "There is no evidence that Jesus was ever addressed by the name Immanuel." Why put that in there when the account in Matthew clearly identifies Jesus as fulfilling this prophecy?
Also, the footnote about "maiden" states the term can mean "either a married woman or a virgin". This seems misleading. The term could mean "a young woman", "maid", "newly married", "virgin", "ripe sexually". http://biblehub.com/hebrew/5959.htm
Herein lies the problem. WTS is pointing to Mahershalalhashbaz as the fulfillment of this prophecy, but this child is Isaiah's second. His first son was Shearjashub (Isa 7:3), thus the "maiden" was NOT a virgin. The explanation of this in the paragraph is "One possibility is..."
Par 7:
"Therefore, Hezekiah met with them to assure them of his support."
Tthe scriptures are clear on this. This wasn't assurance of his support, per se. This was a commandment, as can be seen in 2 Chron 29:15: "Then they gathered their brothers together and sanctified themselves and came according to the king’s commandment in the words of Jehovah, to cleanse the house of Jehovah." In addition, it wasn't to "promote pure worship", it was to "cleanse the house of Jehovah."
I won't rehash the other things you all found. Just wanted to contribute my observations.