To anybody who cares, I have an announcement to make. After reviewing all the great information on the internet and on this board, and with much praying and bible reading, I have made up my mind to stop studying. I have written a letter to the Sister I have been studying with explaining why (cowardly, I know but that's kinda the way I am)I have packed up all the books I've been given (what to do with them? burn them maybe? No just kidding) I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that has responded to my posts.
Peace and Love be with you :)
by bchapp 21 Replies latest jw friends
: (what to do with them? burn them maybe? No just kidding
You'll find that they won't burn. Plaese don't try gasoline as you'll only hurt yourself. The only sensible approach is to find the cast iron pendulum from an old grandfather clock (which must be at least 150 years old), and enaase the books, together with the pendulum in a box of cherry wood or oak, and sink the lot in your nearest lake at dead of night.
Right on Herbert, LOL
Click on the search button and do a search for the thread
"How many found the real truth from the internet"
or something like that.
Add your announcement to that list.
The ranks are thinning.
ps bchapp good decision. You wont regret it.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.
anybody who cares? We all do, and just think of it as a lucky escape. You haven’t been involved long enough to make such strong ties – the longer you leave it the bigger the wrench.
A big cyberhug from me ((((bchapp))))
Good for you bchapp. You have made a wise decision and one that you will not regret.
May all your future choices be blessed!
I wouldent be surpriesed if you got an announced vist form your study conductor wanting to know what happened unless your letter was fairly explicit.
Rember that you could be shunned as apostate for saying the wrong thing around these people. They are a cult as shuch, the exhibit extremly irrational fits anger, disapproval, and scorn to all those who disagree of their belief system.
Do not underestemate what a combination of fear pride and unthinking respect for authority can acheive.
They will become very upset with anyone who dares mention anything negative about the Watchtower in their presence.
This is very important so I think that I should mention it.
You may have a tiny little voice in your head saying :
"What is they are right?"
That is only normal because we as human beings find it difficult to totally close our minds to an idea or belief system that someone who we know strongly believes in. We think to ourselves, 'is something wrong with me?'
There is a thread that is intitled
"What am I thinking"
do a search for it and that should help you with any doubts you may have about making your decision.
Good for you bchapp
Jerome, I don't want to post my letter publicly, but I'll email ya a copy if your interested.
Shure I wouldent mind.