Cain and Abel - The TRUE Story

by Dutchie 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    It’s interesting that in the book of Genesis we are introduced to Cain as a farmer, a cultivator of the land. When he made offerings to Jehovah he offered to him the best fruits of his labor.

    We are also introduced to his brother Abel who was not a cultivator of the land but a herder of sheep. Abel also gave offerings to Jehovah of the best of his fruits of his labor, which were animals that had to be killed, its blood poured upon an altar to atone for their sins.

    The strange thing is that God was not satisfied with Cain’s offerings of grain. Instead, he found favor with Abel oddly because of his killing and offering the blood of his own creatures.

    Cain was disturbed by what he was seeing, the killing of live animals to appease this bloodthirsty god. He knew only too well that this God’s insatible appetite for blood could not be appeased. It’s now wonder that the character Cain was written in a bad light in light of the perversion of this God Jehovah’s needing more and more blood sacrifices. But Cain respected the sanctity of life and did not kill.

    The Bible says that Cain killed his brother because he was jealous. That’s what the Bible says. Is it true? If we think outside the box we can also see that Abel knew Cain killed. Cain had God’s favor because he was a killer. Perhaps Abel got rid of Cain simply in fear of his life and the life of his parents. Perhaps Cain looked at Abel in relation to that man-eating flower in the movie “Little Shop of Horrors”. At first the flower was satisfied with just a little blood. After time, he had to have the entire man to be satisfied.

    Just a though.

  • gsx1138

    Interesting idea. I always found it amazing how most people gloss over the hypocritical nature of the stories in the bible. Jezebel was a bad person because she stood up for herself and said "no". However, let's give Ruth an entire book because she got some guy so rippin drunk that she was able to trick him into having sex with her even though she knew he was married. All praise be to Jah for allowing drunkeness and adultry so long as it suits his needs. Better yet the story of Noah. How imperfect is God that he made creatures that "angered" him so he decided to kill everyone. Did he lack the ability to see into their hearts and just have his angels smite down those that were "angering" him? I like it when people take a different view of the events in the Bible. I'd never thought of the Cain and Abel story in that context.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Satanus


    Are you saying that, since abel liked to kill things for god, that cain suspected abel would eventually kill cain?


  • Dutchie

    Hi Susan:

    It wasn't just the fact that Abel liked to kill things for God, its that God expected him to kill and showed favor to him when he did kill. When God showed disfavor with Cain's offerings, Cain became upset and in the scriptures Jehovah asks Cain "why are you hot with anger and why has your contenance fallen?"

    This could just be God's opinion of how Cain was feeling, but perhaps because God showed such delight in Abel's killings, Cain began to fear that maybe he or his parents would be next.

    Also, it could be that because he saw that his God enjoyed the letting of blood so much he decided to take on even bigger fish and killed his brother.

    Anyway, it was just a thought. I've always felt sorry for Cain and thought he got a "bum rap."

    In any case, I think that this act of murder was something that was instigated by their god. Why couldn't he have accepted both offerings equally, in the spirit that they were given?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Where can I find the account of this true story in case I were to repeat it or share it with someone?

    Guest 77

  • Dutchie

    Hi Guest, this is the only copy. I was reading the Genesis account this morning and these are just some thoughts I came up with.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Isn't amazing and wonderful how we can view matters from 'our' perspective?

    Guest 77

  • Matty

    This is a brilliant thread; it’s something that has been nagging at the back of my mind all my life! After the flood of Noah’s day, God set out a change from the vegetarian diet that he had outlined for animals and humans in the Garden of Eden. Jehovah said: “Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul—its blood—you must not eat.” (Genesis 9:3-4)

    So up to Noah’s day killing anything should have been considered wrong. Why would a loving God create something to be killed in cold blood? We are always told by the GB that in the new system we will all have to become vegetarian, and that Jehovah has just “allowed” the eating of meat, in the same way that he “allowed” polygamy, i.e it wasn’t his original intention. So why did God think that it was OK for Abel to kill an animal? Abel had never seen any creature, either in the animal world, or in his family, kill or be killed before?!

  • LyinEyes

    Very interesting. I decided to start reading the bible again,,this time without any wtbs help. So far I have made it to Gen. chapter 6.
    I am already pissed off!!!! I too asked many questions about the Cain and Able story. Why in the world , did God let Abel die at the hands of his brother,,,, He could have stopped it,, why couldnt God just have at least warned Able. Did he hate Adam and Eve so much that he allowed their son to die? Werent they paying for the price of their sin? Then I got to the story of Noah. Why did God have to overkill. I mean even all the innocent animals had to die. The innocent children, that is and always was a big question in my mind. I dont understand why God had to destroy the children, HE could have saved them. Reading the bible now, only makes me beleive less and less that it tells the true intentions of God.

  • RunningMan

    OK, here's my question: If no one ate meat before the flood, what the hell was Abel doing with all those sheep? - The Bible says he was a shepherd.

    Could this possibly be related to the fact that there were no women, other than Cain and Abel's sisters?

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