It’s interesting that in the book of Genesis we are introduced to Cain as a farmer, a cultivator of the land. When he made offerings to Jehovah he offered to him the best fruits of his labor.
We are also introduced to his brother Abel who was not a cultivator of the land but a herder of sheep. Abel also gave offerings to Jehovah of the best of his fruits of his labor, which were animals that had to be killed, its blood poured upon an altar to atone for their sins.
The strange thing is that God was not satisfied with Cain’s offerings of grain. Instead, he found favor with Abel oddly because of his killing and offering the blood of his own creatures.
Cain was disturbed by what he was seeing, the killing of live animals to appease this bloodthirsty god. He knew only too well that this God’s insatible appetite for blood could not be appeased. It’s now wonder that the character Cain was written in a bad light in light of the perversion of this God Jehovah’s needing more and more blood sacrifices. But Cain respected the sanctity of life and did not kill.
The Bible says that Cain killed his brother because he was jealous. That’s what the Bible says. Is it true? If we think outside the box we can also see that Abel knew Cain killed. Cain had God’s favor because he was a killer. Perhaps Abel got rid of Cain simply in fear of his life and the life of his parents. Perhaps Cain looked at Abel in relation to that man-eating flower in the movie “Little Shop of Horrors”. At first the flower was satisfied with just a little blood. After time, he had to have the entire man to be satisfied.
Just a though.