Post Traumatic Apostate Syndrome or (The Little Box of Madness)

by Terry 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    What tools does a DUPED person have? Intellectual damage is done once you are indoctrinated.

    Your emotional ties to your "spiritual family" form a bias to free thinking.

    WHY should you make your life better by first making it worse?

    That's the dilemma for the person who will automatically be labeled APOSTATE when they shift loyalty.

    Once freed from the authority of the cult, it is a strenuous self-rehabiliation which comes next--as mentioned--with damaged thinking mechanism still in place.

    The same mind you had (which got you into Jehovah's Witnesses) is still in place!

    You aren't really smarter once you see how you've been duped!

    The frying pan-into-the fire scenario must be avoided.

    On the rebound, a "believer personality" often bounces into yet another form of bondage.

    The abused talks about their own vulnerability aloud. It is like a wounded animal in the forest. The predator smells the meal!

    Let's face the facts.

    If you are an alcoholic, for example, you cannot drink. Period.

    All you can do is take it one day at a time--WITHOUT resorting to alcohol to solve the real internal problems.

    Now, apply that same principle to RELIGIOUS ADDICTION.

    If you are a GOD-a-HOLIC, you cannot have religious affiliation. Why? because you'll be addicted to HAVING SOMEBODY TELL YOU WHAT TO DO, HOW TO THINK and DEMAND LOYALTY and SERVITUDE from you again.

    The Post Traumatic Apostate Syndrome can be described this way.

    Whatever mindset you are running away from you adopt again, but in another form.


    How do you suddenly get your rational mind back?

    Well, you don't.

    People don't become addicts if they are thinking clearly.

    People who are healthy don't resort to mind-altering "solutions" because these choices aren't answers.

    What is the worst mistake you can make?


    Why not set aside a full year completely away from any organization connected with religion?

    Investigate slowly. Gain confidence. Get your mind back. Don't talk to people (other than therapists) about your vulnerability.


    (What? Why would I question everything?)

    You see? Now you're getting it!

    Don't take anything for face value. NOTHING.

    Test, question, research, and investigate every single premise you hold to be true.

    IS THERE AN ABSOLUTE in your life?

    Be assured it is your demon!

    The one thing you will never question is the thing that is destroying you from inside.


    The Bible?


    Those things can tear you apart. (They probably already did and you won't admit it).

    Avoid remaining in that one little box of madness: the Post Traumatic Apostate Syndrome is real.

  • jeff spreng
    jeff spreng

    i relly like what you said. My problem is that although I have left JWs long ago and I don't believe in God at all. I also don't believe in the world. I am extremely upset by the thinking and actions of people in general. I sometimes feel that I would be most happy in remote Alaska. The truth is though that what I really want is fellowship with like minded peole. I cant seem to find it anywhere. I am now 48 and sometimes I have feelings of desperation because I just don't understand the world I live in. Anyway I enjoyed reading what you wrote this morning. Thanks Jeff

  • Terry

    We were taught a methodology as JW's.


    If we continue to look at the possibilites of life and society at large in terms of LABELS, we defeat ourselves from the get-go.

    Humanity is a wide variety.

    People have separate cultures, tastes, bias, imagination, and ideology.

    If we take each person on a case by case basis, they are quite complicated. Seldom do we meet somebody who is all bad or all good.

    Black and white thinking comes from labeling.

    Reactionary avoidance of other people's diversity has been conditioned into the JW.

    It remains long after you leave the Kingdom Hall.

    When we say "Worldly" we haven't stopped to consider how empty that concept is of actual meaning.

    The weather changes day by day, season by season. Is there a person alive who would say, "I just can't cope with weather"?

    No, I don't think so.

    Why? Because that statement is empty of content.

    Worldly people? There aren't any. There are only people. Each thinks and feels and acts according to a different set of ideas and needs.

    The black and white bias of Jehovah's Witnesses has been very effective in creating an US versus THEM division.

    It does not have to be that way.

    Don't look for people who agree with you. You won't learn anything.

    Look for people who are different and discover a way to relax your fear of those differences.

    You'll grow.

    You'll mature.

    You'll learn to relax and become accepting rather than judging.

    You'll begin to enjoy life for its variety again.

  • losingit


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Terry said, " You aren't really smarter once you see how you've been duped!"

    reminds me of something Hannibal Lecter said: "When the rabbit cries, the fox comes running; but not to help."

  • Terry

    I hope you'll permit me to list this book I recently wrote.

    I wanted systematically to expose the Watch Tower culpability in conspiring to create martyrs for publicity during WWI, WWII and subsequent wars.

    The deaths in Nazi camps and the prisoners of conscience along side me during the Vietnam War were puppets of publicity.

    All the really honest, fair-minded, peaceful JW's I knew either fell apart or became so absolute in their thinking, I think somebody high up in

    the Tower needs to have a comeuppance by being exposed.


    Nathan, that is a good quote.

    Ex-JW's cry out as the wounded often do, only to be set upon by the other religious groups who devour them with love-bombing.

  • 4thgen

    Terry, Well said. The steps for recovering from Spiritual Abuse are similar to those from other types of abuses. People that are in abusive relationships are always counseled not to jump into another relationship until they take the time to come to grips with their own issues that lead them into that first bad relationship. A feeling of desperation and loneliness may drive a person into another abusive relationship before they give themselves time to heal. They cycle will repeat itself until it is addressed and dealt with.

  • Terry

    If you can make important life decisions without asking another person for advise, I'd say you're pretty much free.

    If you look through the topics and posts on JW-net here as far back as you want to go, it is obvious former JW's

    have one helluva time doing anything without some person or group telling them it is okay.

  • RunAsFastAsYouCan

    Get real familiar with the term: "Ambient Abuse."

  • Xanthippe
    The truth is though that what I really want is fellowship with like minded peole. I cant seem to find it anywhere. I am now 48 and sometimes I have feelings of desperation because I just don't understand the world I live in.

    Don't despair Jeff Spreng, I think it's related to being in a cult that we sometimes want there to be a group of fantastic people somewhere and we keep looking for them for a while. Nowadays I try to stop looking at people en masse and see them as individuals. Ordinary people can surprise you with unexpected acts of kindness and empathy.

    When I seen charities appealing for help to stop cruelty to children, animals etc at first I get really depressed that these horrible things are happening. Then hot on the heels of that I think but hang on here is an organization doing something about it and all the ordinary people who donate care very much about those causes or they wouldn't give. The fact is there has been cruelty and bad things going on for thousands of years but the good news is that ordinary people are doing something about it. But they are not in a group they are scattered all throughout the world. Just my thoughts Jeff.

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